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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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Oh I dunno, they could clean themselves up then go and get jobs? Volunteer somewhere so they can make a positive impact on society? Help other tramps off the street?


This demonstrates a total lack of understanding of why people are homeless and/or rough sleeping in the first place.

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Work Elsewhere? Shop Elsewhere? Eat/Drink Elsewhere?


That is what is happening and the situation will only get worse.


If it wasn't for the students - Sheffield City Centre would be a complete ghost town and if the shootings and stabbings continue then in 5/10 years time the student population will probably drop.

Something has to be done about the tramps, street drinkers and spice heads. It is total disgrace especially on West Street near Tesco.


Really? :roll:


Wow all those thousands of workers, residents, commuters, shoppers, business visitors and tourists I see wandering around every day must be a mirage.


On the last figures students from both Hallam and UOS make up just over 61k out of the 575k city population. What are the other 90% doing? Does not one single one of them live or work or visit the city?


Enough with these endless dramatics and exagerations.


YES we have a collection of undesirables on the streets. So does every other major town and city in the country. YES people dont like to see them there. But they felt exactly the same way about the destitution on the streets 20, 50, 100 years ago.


Some people need to grow up. Its a problem that needs reducing but its never going to go away. Public streets are just that. Open and accessible to ALL members of the public - even the less desirable ones.


The city centre streets are not some private shopping mall that can be shuttered off and security patrolled. If it was turned into that, you can imagine the outcry from the do gooders and charity sector.


Landlords cant even put anti-vagrant devices on their OWN private property without backlash from the masses.






You cannot wave a magic wand to make these problems go away. Pathetic over exagerated statements like yours coupled with this prissy attitude from some people about being too scrared to go out walking around on streets that thousands of others deem perfectly safe, isnt going to help anyone.

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This demonstrates a total lack of understanding of why people are homeless and/or rough sleeping in the first place.


You're right, it's not their fault. Must be something to do with society. These people clearly have some issues that mean they've got to sit outside asking for money while drinking Skol rather than getting help from any of the well-funded agencies and charities around town. They should stay where they are, the little darlings, while we workers shower them with benefits and pay for their housing. Yes this all seems very unfair on them.

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You're right, it's not their fault. Must be something to do with society. These people clearly have some issues that mean they've got to sit outside asking for money while drinking Skol rather than getting help from any of the well-funded agencies and charities around town. They should stay where they are, the little darlings, while we workers shower them with benefits and pay for their housing. Yes this all seems very unfair on them.


Very unpleasant. You might end up homeless one day.

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You're right, it's not their fault. Must be something to do with society. These people clearly have some issues that mean they've got to sit outside asking for money while drinking Skol rather than getting help from any of the well-funded agencies and charities around town. They should stay where they are, the little darlings, while we workers shower them with benefits and pay for their housing. Yes this all seems very unfair on them.


Indeed. Well said.

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You're right, it's not their fault. Must be something to do with society. These people clearly have some issues that mean they've got to sit outside asking for money while drinking Skol rather than getting help from any of the well-funded agencies and charities around town. They should stay where they are, the little darlings, while we workers shower them with benefits and pay for their housing. Yes this all seems very unfair on them.


I think your prejudice might be showing a little, just around the edges... :roll:


---------- Post added 07-10-2018 at 19:43 ----------


If you can be bothered to do some reading







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Very unpleasant. You might end up homeless one day.


But many of them aren't homeless. Many of them have social housing tenancies, with their rent being funded by other people.


They also have support services that they can turn to for help, but refuse to engage.

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