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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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The majority in the city centre already do that.


The police stand by and do nothing as they rob the local independent shops, spit at people or even assault them and damage property and this is speaking from vast experience.


I’ve lived and worked in the city centre for years and it’s funny as soon as everyone’s gone home for the night or it rains all these “homeless” people suddenly disappear.


It’s also interesting to see them chucking food and drinks away that people buy them as they wanted money instead or rushing around town in the morning for the best pitch to pretend they’ve slept in all night.


I work in the centre as well this post is accurate.


If you give them food or drinks you may well get abuse most are only interested in money.

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I think being of a 'certain type' certainly enhances your chances of being asked constantly, and being abused for not giving money.


If you're a massive bloke, or in a group - you're less likely to get some little coward calling you every name under the sun because you won't give him money for drugs.....

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I know addicts can't be made to give up. But I also know some people on the street do want help, but their lives are often transient, with little possibility of tracking from service to service, so help isn't sustained. Should there be more residential places for those suffering poor mental health, or would that be seen as returning to the dark days of asylums?


AFAIK SCC's Housing Pathways system can track every referral, placement etc for anyone who has contact with their services. I'm sure SCC would like to offer more services. but funding to LA's has been absolutely hammered by central government and, like all LA's, unless there is a statutory obligation to provide a service it is usually way down the list of priorities. At least Sheffield does provide a range of supported housing for different needs groups - some LA's have withdrawn all funding.

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fright night or events in city centre attract these so called homeless when i saw a fellar get out of a car and come to me asking for money i asked him why did you get out of the car he walked away theres a few that are homeless most are not .


---------- Post added 28-07-2018 at 00:59 ----------


Yes there are some that are genuine the same way you have observed some that are fiddling the system ie the roundabout people you mentioned. As for is there a magic wand well there is. Simple dont give money to anyone. Give food clothing, a drink, signpost them to services. If they are genuine like those you described they would welcome this help. Also giving money to those that have addictions is enabling that addiction. So the solution is simple BUT everyone has to do it for it to work.


i remember seeing a chap and it was peeing it down and there was a archway i said get out of the rain he wouldnt

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fright night or events in city centre attract these so called homeless when i saw a fellar get out of a car and come to me asking for money i asked him why did you get out of the car he walked away theres a few that are homeless most are not .


---------- Post added 28-07-2018 at 00:59 ----------



i remember seeing a chap and it was peeing it down and there was a archway i said get out of the rain he wouldnt


Reminds me of a song.

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fright night or events in city centre attract these so called homeless when i saw a fellar get out of a car and come to me asking for money i asked him why did you get out of the car he walked away theres a few that are homeless most are not .


---------- Post added 28-07-2018 at 00:59 ----------



i remember seeing a chap and it was peeing it down and there was a archway i said get out of the rain he wouldnt


Who was it Gene Kelly. :hihi:

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I don't know how much money beggars get but assume its not much less than minimum wage workers who work like dogs to get almost nothing for it. If I would have to choose between slave labour vs relaxed begging why should I enter some job dat doesn't even pay the rent?

I would rather work for free for a loving charity, but in this society even certain charity workers get a decent salary. When I watch the news I am more disgusted by people like Johnson and trump than the beggars on our streets.

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I don't know how much money beggars get but assume its not much less than minimum wage workers who work like dogs to get almost nothing for it. If I would have to choose between slave labour vs relaxed begging why should I enter some job dat doesn't even pay the rent?

I would rather work for free for a loving charity, but in this society even certain charity workers get a decent salary. When I watch the news I am more disgusted by people like Johnson and trump than the beggars on our streets.


I can accept that viewpoint in some ways but again point out that begging for money that goes on drugs is only ever going to negative impact on all of us. Homeless people are not always drug addicts and drug addicts are not always homeless. Handing out cash to beggar with a drug problem that isn't homeless obviously not helping anyone. Handing out cash to genuinely homeless person isn't really going to help though.

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I think being of a 'certain type' certainly enhances your chances of being asked constantly, and being abused for not giving money.


If you're a massive bloke, or in a group - you're less likely to get some little coward calling you every name under the sun because you won't give him money for drugs.....


Exactly. What upsets me is to see pensioners giving money to beggars who are probably getting more money a week than them.

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When we visit Southern Spain beggars take on a completely different persona, Gypsy women who purport to be lepers, and male amputees who unveil their stumps to would be donors, however both are always there, in the same area, looking like death warmed up, but nevertheless always there. I never give them anything, but have seen many drop coinage onto their hankies or into their caps, am I being mean, or am I reticent in being conned? :confused:

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