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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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Called into town yesterday,the begging is out of hand,they are outside most major stores who allow it and the police should move them on,it also makes the place look uninviting.


Police used to have a city centre team, this was drastically reduced in size due to budget cuts and SYP's ill-fated review of neighbourhood policing - which is now being reversed to some extent.


Issues for the police:


1 - if they lock beggars up and CPS do decide to charge they'll most likely get a fine and be back on street in days, in need of further money. More often than not unless there's aggravating factors like violence/aggression it'll probably not go to court.


2 - For every one person who says they should be locking people up, there's at least another one who gives them grief for 'picking on the unfortunate'

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Called into town yesterday,the begging is out of hand,they are outside most major stores who allow it and the police should move them on,it also makes the place look uninviting.


Theres a young woman who sits outside Tesco across from the cathedral. A while ago, I gave her some money (which I rarely do) and suggested she went to the Archer project at the Cathedral. They provide food, clothes and various types of support for people who are homeless. She didn't appreciate the suggestion! She still sits there most days.


I'm not sure what right people who work in shops have to tell someone to move off the pavement, but I saw one of the City Centre ambassadors encouraging a couple of men to move away from the door of the BHF furniture shop on Arundel gate the other day.

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Ive seen a few at the bottom of the moor that do come up to you and beg for some money & I saw a officer trying to get one to move on.


It does seem like there is a lot more around than before when there are more of these shelter charity type places for help and support

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Theres a young woman who sits outside Tesco across from the cathedral. A while ago, I gave her some money (which I rarely do) and suggested she went to the Archer project at the Cathedral. They provide food, clothes and various types of support for people who are homeless. She didn't appreciate the suggestion! She still sits there most days.


I'm not sure what right people who work in shops have to tell someone to move off the pavement, but I saw one of the City Centre ambassadors encouraging a couple of men to move away from the door of the BHF furniture shop on Arundel gate the other day.


I know that woman. Her boyfriend sits in the opposite doorway in the old Lloyds bank, so they can ask literally everyone. She's been very rude and almost aggressive to a number of my staff in the past as we work near there.


As someone said earlier, there's no point reporting it though. What realistically could the police do? Move them on? That'll work for about an hour. Take them to Court and fine them? What do they pay with.


There appear to be a lot more people begging though recently, including outside the Asda at Queens Road, and even the big Tesco on Spital Hill. The guy there was sat outside the doors at the weekend, blocking people from getting past with trolleys. I watched quite a few people have to come off the path and onto the road to get past him.

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