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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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Maybe the police can yes - so why did you not mention the police - but instead ended up instigating a debate on the perceived failures of the council?


That was wrong really wasn’t it?


Ok I do appologise that I criticised the Council. However some of the actions the Council can get involved in Here was the stick Nottingham got from the mile in their shoes brigade



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What I cant understand is how these people are allowed to behave like this? for example getting your bits out and having a wee in front of everyone??


if a 'normal' guy did this in the middle of fargate there would be uproar and no doubt police would arrest him.


same as the fighting, if it was a normal group of guys fighting at 3.00pm in the afternoon something would be done


it seems as these people have drink & drug issues it makes it ok for them to behave like this and we just have to put up with it.


It not like you can step in and have a go at them. as they are aggressive and not in their right minds. So you just have to ignore it!!

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Guest makapaka
Ok I do appologise that I criticised the Council. However some of the actions the Council can get involved in Here was the stick Nottingham got from the mile in their shoes brigade




Make that suggestion to your local councillor and see what the response is.

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What I cant understand is how these people are allowed to behave like this? for example getting your bits out and having a wee in front of everyone??


if a 'normal' guy did this in the middle of fargate there would be uproar and no doubt police would arrest him.


same as the fighting, if it was a normal group of guys fighting at 3.00pm in the afternoon something would be done


it seems as these people have drink & drug issues it makes it ok for them to behave like this and we just have to put up with it.


It not like you can step in and have a go at them. as they are aggressive and not in their right minds. So you just have to ignore it!!


I agree with everything you have said. I think it all boils down to the group of people I colloquially refer to "the mile in your shoes brigade". They will often mention how these people have had issues in the past and if you walked a mile in their shoes you would understand. They quote bad childhood, drug and alcohol problems and that we should feel sorry for them and offer all the support under the sun. Often the people that spout this have never set foot in the city centre and seen the carnage we see on a weekly basis.


The bottom line is there is about 20 people in the city right now who are high on spice, fighting drinking taking drugs and generally being a nuisance. You see them in 4 locations Cathedral (Archer Project), Near that cheap shop near wilkos, Devonshire Green and they spill on to near Tescos on West Street, and lastly outside is it the old Lloyds building next to the cathedral on the steps where they are all collapsed outside.

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Anyone wanting to educate themselves about the reality of the lives of beggars would do well to listen to BBC Radio 4 on Tuesday night at 8pm - The Truth about Britain's Beggars.


The presenter is an ex homeless addict and speaks to various beggars about their experiences.

The link is https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bgft34

It will be on i-player for a month thereafter.

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I think the Police have every right to remove Spice users from the street, the same way they would remove drunk and disorderly. That, however requires manpower and somewhere to put them.


Film them when they are under the influence, and show them when they're 'sober,' to see if they can shame them into change.


Catch the drug dealers and lock them up.


Bottom line - help users sort their lives out, but that takes time and money, and the will to do it.

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I think the Police have every right to remove Spice users from the street, the same way they would remove drunk and disorderly. That, however requires manpower and somewhere to put them.


Film them when they are under the influence, and show them when they're 'sober,' to see if they can shame them into change.


Catch the drug dealers and lock them up.


Bottom line - help users sort their lives out, but that takes time and money, and the will to do it.


Bottom line . Softly ,softly dosent work

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The link is https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bgft34

It will be on i-player for a month thereafter.


I started listening to it but it fell into the usual mile in my shoes arguments. The guy who was presenting it was asking the politician responsible for tourism why she had a problem. Apparently he was shocked she had a problem with drug addicts taking drugs, defecating and fighting in the street.


He then was angry at a man who took photos of fake beggars to name and shame them as it caused one bloke to get beaten up by a group of lads. Now the bloke who did this campaign actually funded a homeless shelter so was trying to sort the problem out. Its not his fault this lad got beaten up. Its the thugs that did it.


To top it all he thinks we should continue to give to beggars and its upto them what they spend the money on, like drugs like he used to take. He really doesnt have a clue.

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I started listening to it but it fell into the usual mile in my shoes arguments. The guy who was presenting it was asking the politician responsible for tourism why she had a problem. Apparently he was shocked she had a problem with drug addicts taking drugs, defecating and fighting in the street.


He then was angry at a man who took photos of fake beggars to name and shame them as it caused one bloke to get beaten up by a group of lads. Now the bloke who did this campaign actually funded a homeless shelter so was trying to sort the problem out. Its not his fault this lad got beaten up. Its the thugs that did it.


To top it all he thinks we should continue to give to beggars and its upto them what they spend the money on, like drugs like he used to take. He really doesnt have a clue.


Homeless people run the constant risk of being beaten up.


Some men do it for fun.

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I think the Police have every right to remove Spice users from the street, the same way they would remove drunk and disorderly.


So you've just made up a new law have you?


Because they aren't Drunk, nor Disorderly, so under what law do you think the police have every right to arrest and remove them?

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