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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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Most people lived in family groups and although often far from perfect there was mutual support. Families often pooled resources rather than live in single person households. These have grown disproportionately since the 70s. Single people are the most likely to be homeless and to qualify for the least support.



That's true.

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This rise in homelessness and vagrancy is down to deliberate government policies by an uncaring Tory government, and it's a disgrace in a country that likes to call itself 'civilised.'


Yes, we need a return to the utopia under Labour don't we, when everyone was employed and nobody was homeless......


Homeless households double under Labour

The number of homeless households forced to live in temporary accommodation has more than doubled since Labour came to power, figures showed yesterday.



You really need to open your eyes Anna and stop blaming the Tories for everything.

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Yes, we need a return to the utopia under Labour don't we, when everyone was employed and nobody was homeless......


Homeless households double under Labour




You really need to open your eyes Anna and stop blaming the Tories for everything.


I think you've rather missed the point here.


According to your quote, Under Labour the homeless were at least in temporary accommodation. Now we're talking about the number of people living on the streets, completely destitute.


Have you any idea the result of having your benefits / last penny taken off you? Or the number of people it's happening to?

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I think you've rather missed the point here.


According to your quote, Under Labour the homeless were at least in temporary accommodation. Now we're talking about the number of people living on the streets, completely destitute.


Have you any idea the result of having your benefits / last penny taken off you? Or the number of people it's happening to?


The closure of mental hospitals has also caused many people to now be homeless .


Hundreds of folk lived in our own Middlewood hospital some of them although not seriously ill were however in need of a safe environment that was provided by this brilliant hospital.


It closed and nice new posh houses now stand on the site.


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The closure of mental hospitals has also caused many people to now be homeless .


Hundreds of folk lived in our own Middlewood hospital some of them although not seriously ill were however in need of a safe environment that was provided by this brilliant hospital.


It closed and nice new posh houses now stand on the site.



I think it was the so called Care in the community project

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I know for a fact (I work in the vulnerable persons sector) that these people are not homeless. I work with many of them, and know most of them by name and their situation.


Most of them have issues (drug/drink dependency of course being the major ones) but they ARE NOT homeless. Any suggestion that they are is naive and ill informed.


We spend a huge amount of time trying to stop people giving them money. The money goes immediately on drugs or drink and prevents them seeking the support help and treatment they need. All the money does is support their drug/drink habits. It is impossible to get the message across to the public however that they are causing harm by giving money. People mean well and think they are doing the right thing- they aren't.


The city centre situation is ridiculous now. I encountered ten different people walking from the train to the centre. I won't divulge how much money these people are making a day, but it's significant. We also have a problem with people from outlying districts and areas actually travelling in to Sheffield now to beg, as it's so rife. The authorities are understaffed and overwhelmed by the problem. It will only stop when people realise they are doing the WRONG thing by giving anyone money.


If you want to help- donate to charities, support food banks, talk to people, volunteer- but please, please don't give money. You are simply supporting their habits and supporting drug dealers.

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I know for a fact (I work in the vulnerable persons sector) that these people are not homeless. I work with many of them, and know most of them by name and their situation.


Most of them have issues (drug/drink dependency of course being the major ones) but they ARE NOT homeless. Any suggestion that they are is naive and ill informed.


We spend a huge amount of time trying to stop people giving them money. The money goes immediately on drugs or drink and prevents them seeking the support help and treatment they need. All the money does is support their drug/drink habits. It is impossible to get the message across to the public however that they are causing harm by giving money. People mean well and think they are doing the right thing- they aren't.


The city centre situation is ridiculous now. I encountered ten different people walking from the train to the centre. I won't divulge how much money these people are making a day, but it's significant. We also have a problem with people from outlying districts and areas actually travelling in to Sheffield now to beg, as it's so rife. The authorities are understaffed and overwhelmed by the problem. It will only stop when people realise they are doing the WRONG thing by giving anyone money.


If you want to help- donate to charities, support food banks, talk to people, volunteer- but please, please don't give money. You are simply supporting their habits and supporting drug dealers.


This is the most sensible post I have seen about beggars Even South Yorkshire police have told people not to give these people money saying they are NOT homeless and live in hostels and are on benefits. The money collected goes straight on drugs or drink .

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The only homeless person I give money too is an older man who looks around the fifty mark, he never ever asks for money but when I see him I always give him a couple of quid, these other supposedly homeless people, smoke and have mobile phones. I saw one of them yesterday on the Moor, a foreign woman put a quid in his little paper cup which was quickly retrieved and put in his pocket just leaving a couple of pence in the bottom of his cup for the "feeling sorry" for him people to give him more money.

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The only homeless person I give money too is an older man who looks around the fifty mark, he never ever asks for money but when I see him I always give him a couple of quid, these other supposedly homeless people, smoke and have mobile phones. I saw one of them yesterday on the Moor, a foreign woman put a quid in his little paper cup which was quickly retrieved and put in his pocket just leaving a couple of pence in the bottom of his cup for the "feeling sorry" for him people to give him more money.


Yes I've seen a lot of them on mobiles also if they are homeless where are their sleeping bags ? I feel sorry for the dogs that some of them have as they look so sad just sleeping all day at the side of the beggars.

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I know for a fact (I work in the vulnerable persons sector) that these people are not homeless. I work with many of them, and know most of them by name and their situation.


Most of them have issues (drug/drink dependency of course being the major ones) but they ARE NOT homeless. Any suggestion that they are is naive and ill informed.


We spend a huge amount of time trying to stop people giving them money. The money goes immediately on drugs or drink and prevents them seeking the support help and treatment they need. All the money does is support their drug/drink habits. It is impossible to get the message across to the public however that they are causing harm by giving money. People mean well and think they are doing the right thing- they aren't.


The city centre situation is ridiculous now. I encountered ten different people walking from the train to the centre. I won't divulge how much money these people are making a day, but it's significant. We also have a problem with people from outlying districts and areas actually travelling in to Sheffield now to beg, as it's so rife. The authorities are understaffed and overwhelmed by the problem. It will only stop when people realise they are doing the WRONG thing by giving anyone money.


If you want to help- donate to charities, support food banks, talk to people, volunteer- but please, please don't give money. You are simply supporting their habits and supporting drug dealers.


Thanks useful and informative post.


I guess the more money they get begging the worse the situation gets.Students seem to be one of the groups most likely to give them money,maybe some education to those groups might be a good idea.

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