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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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And where would you have them go?


If you feel you don't want to give then don't.. there really is no need to offer seemingly pointless advice without at least offering a potential solution.


Oh I dunno, they could clean themselves up then go and get jobs? Volunteer somewhere so they can make a positive impact on society? Help other tramps off the street?


That wasn't a nasty post, it's the post of a person who has had enough. I work in town and feel for the poor students who have arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed and are confronted daily by the extra strong lager swilling, spice smoking scumbags who are now on every street corner. It's bad enough for me, so I just don't leave the office during the day and bolt straight out of town once I'm done. The streets must be reclaimed soon, otherwise there's no point in anyone civilised going to town as it's a haven for tramps.


I maintain that this isn't an addiction, it's a lifestyle choice that is being funded by people who are afraid and too stupid to see they're paying for someone to self destruct and take out the city centre too.


A start would be to get all of the support services out of the city centre. There's no reason for either the homeless or the bleeding heart charities to be located there as they can be located anywhere. I nominated they move to any of the run down sections of town, full of old steelworks, which currently have little purpose anyway. Get them away from the centre.

Edited by lesserthan1
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A start would be to get all of the support services out of the city centre. There's no reason for either the homeless or the bleeding heart charities to be located there as they can be located anywhere. I nominated they move to any of the run down sections of town, full of old steelworks, which currently have little purpose anyway. Get them away from the centre.


No thanks, those areas are suffering enough with the influx of Roma gypsies.


I propose we move the homeless centres to the nice, leafy suburbs of S10 and S11 instead.


I’m sure a change of scenery will do them a world of good.

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No thanks, those areas are suffering enough with the influx of Roma gypsies.


I propose we move the homeless centres to the nice, leafy suburbs of S10 and S11 instead.


I’m sure a change of scenery will do them a world of good.


Phoenix Futures have beaten you to it already, and I doubt they did it out of a sense of jealousy as you intend ;)

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Phoenix Futures have beaten you to it already, and I doubt they did it out of a sense of jealousy as you intend ;)




Did the experiment work ?


Did exposure to a better environment improve people’s wellbeing ?


Or did it just ruin the neighbourhood for everybody else ?

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Oh I dunno, they could clean themselves up then go and get jobs? Volunteer somewhere so they can make a positive impact on society? Help other tramps off the street?


That wasn't a nasty post, it's the post of a person who has had enough. I work in town and feel for the poor students who have arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed and are confronted daily by the extra strong lager swilling, spice smoking scumbags who are now on every street corner. It's bad enough for me, so I just don't leave the office during the day and bolt straight out of town once I'm done. The streets must be reclaimed soon, otherwise there's no point in anyone civilised going to town as it's a haven for tramps.


I maintain that this isn't an addiction, it's a lifestyle choice that is being funded by people who are afraid and too stupid to see they're paying for someone to self destruct and take out the city centre too.


A start would be to get all of the support services out of the city centre. There's no reason for either the homeless or the bleeding heart charities to be located there as they can be located anywhere. I nominated they move to any of the run down sections of town, full of old steelworks, which currently have little purpose anyway. Get them away from the centre.


Your first post did seem rather nasty but given what you have said above I can understand your anger and frustration. Many more people share this view some have just had enough. One woman photographed 5 slumped outside the British Heart Foundation Bus stop near the Bankers Draft Tramstop. This lead to a raft of Sheffield Star articles about the subject.


The head of the spice clinic has now said that photographing these people is unhelpful. However she fails to recognise the majority dont photograph them out of spite just to prove to the powers that be the problem is there and is a very big problem.


As for asking for your solution well you proposed one not give money. If everyone and I mean EVERYONE stopped giving money that would solve the problem. They would be forced to stop. Yes they may steal and rob BUT the powers that be would finally have to deal with the problem direct and take some firm action on this group.

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When you see these beggers as you call them, do you ever think about their story?. Why they are there? Why they are homeless and destitute? Whether they be drug/alcohol dependent or have lost employment, mortgage, family or suffer sheer agony of mental health issues. Do you think anyone would drink or use drugs deliberately to end up like that? Seriously?

Yes there are the few that weve all heard of, that sit all day out doors then seemingly drive off in a car provided by the motability charity.

I dont like to make judgement but, the ones who are sat on the floor, outside, on very wet , windy & very very cold days are more likely to be the ones who need your help the most. Those who do it who are scamming folk, may have a warm home to be sat in on those dark days. You can see lives & plight of the genuine etched on their faces , the pain , the loss and loneliness. Dont' judge just be generous . There but for the grace of god go you....

I will still give them money and they can spend it on what they need even if it is drugs or alcohol, they will get their uphoria even if only for a little while.

Edited by Guest
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Town is now infested with these tramps and hustlers. It's unbearable.

Most of them seem to be street drinkers or look like they're on drugs.


Another victory for the liberal left, you are the ones who have brought this plague upon us!


Oh I dunno, they could clean themselves up then go and get jobs? Volunteer somewhere so they can make a positive impact on society? Help other tramps off the street?


That wasn't a nasty post, it's the post of a person who has had enough. I work in town and feel for the poor students who have arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed and are confronted daily by the extra strong lager swilling, spice smoking scumbags who are now on every street corner. It's bad enough for me, so I just don't leave the office during the day and bolt straight out of town once I'm done. The streets must be reclaimed soon, otherwise there's no point in anyone civilised going to town as it's a haven for tramps.

I maintain that this isn't an addiction, it's a lifestyle choice that is being funded by people who are afraid and too stupid to see they're paying for someone to self destruct and take out the city centre too.


A start would be to get all of the support services out of the city centre. There's no reason for either the homeless or the bleeding heart charities to be located there as they can be located anywhere. I nominated they move to any of the run down sections of town, full of old steelworks, which currently have little purpose anyway. Get them away from the centre.


Hardly the opinions of someone who says they want a place to be civilised

And if working in the city centre is too traumatic for your delicate sensitivities, the answer is simple: work elsewhere

Edited by Mister M
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Hardly the opinions of someone who says they want a place to be civilised

And if working in the city centre is too traumatic for your delicate sensitivities, the answer is simple: work elsewhere


Work Elsewhere? Shop Elsewhere? Eat/Drink Elsewhere?


That is what is happening and the situation will only get worse.


If it wasn't for the students - Sheffield City Centre would be a complete ghost town and if the shootings and stabbings continue then in 5/10 years time the student population will probably drop.


Something has to be done about the tramps, street drinkers and spice heads. It is total disgrace especially on West Street near Tesco.

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