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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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13 hours ago, Cyclone said:

No mention of why support is refused, whether it's difficult to access, comes with conditions or that they just distrust the authorities.

Why should that matter?  If they distrust authorities well tough! They need to get over it and accept help otherwise stay on the streets. I have little time for the "evil authorities out to get them attitude". If the support comes with conditions then you accept those conditions. You dont bite the hand that feeds you.  I wish they would stop using excuses as to why they are still on the streets and take the help thats offered.

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15 hours ago, Cyclone said:

No mention of why support is refused, whether it's difficult to access, comes with conditions or that they just distrust the authorities.

The second and third point are most common, especially the second. 

For example alot of shelters have a no drink, no drugs policy.  Fair enough you'd think, but when you're dealing with hardcore addicts they simply can't (or won't) give it up so easily.


This issue in our was just in the news today acutally:




Some homeless people in Sheffield have told a council they are better off begging on the streets than being placed in accommodation.

The Housing First scheme works with single homeless people to provide housing and other support.

Sheffield City Council said funding would be pulled because of a lack of suitable single accommodation

and to put the cat among the pigeons



One man told of earning up to £300 a day from begging, and said many people immediately spent the money on drugs.


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I don't think it's fair enough to link assistance with giving up self medication.


Some homeless people in Sheffield have told a council they are better off begging on the streets than being placed in accommodation.

Does this even make sense?  Having somewhere to sleep doesn't stop someone begging during the day.

Edited by Cyclone
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On 05/01/2019 at 19:15, feargal said:

Brian, you could contact the Archer Project behind the cathedral, or St Wilfreds on Queens Road. 

though if you have the time and inclination you might when / if talking to some of the homeless discover why they do not all want to be involved with the archer project. in which case again if you have the time you might want to seek out some of the homeless and give them your unwanted items directly.

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I choose not to give to people begging because I don't want to support someone's addiction but I do support a homeless charity so am not unsympathetic but I  do have an issue with some of the tactics employed by beggars and street drinkers. My nearest tram stop for my journey home from work is  Tesco, West Street but dues to aggressive begging at the tram stop, the shop doorway being obstructed by  and tram shelter occupied by abusive street drinkers I use the City Hall stop and Sainsbury for shopping and the cash dispenser to avoid feeling threatened . The final straw was seeing drug dealing taking place openly. I know quite a few people who are choosing similar diversions  which  must cost Tesco business but apparently they are powerless as the anti social activity takes place on public footpaths. The police do periodically move people on but as soon as they leave the problems return

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Yet not only that this "Pillar of the community" gets let off for what I would  consider an heinous crime of stealing from charity boxes. In spite of a previous judge branding him dangerous.  There is no justice in dealing with scum like him



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On 04/03/2019 at 14:50, fill said:

though if you have the time and inclination you might when / if talking to some of the homeless discover why they do not all want to be involved with the archer project. in which case again if you have the time you might want to seek out some of the homeless and give them your unwanted items directly.

What's the problem with the Archer Project fill? Is it to do with it being church-y, or is there something more to it?

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On 06/03/2019 at 12:24, woodmally said:

Yet not only that this "Pillar of the community" gets let off for what I would  consider an heinous crime of stealing from charity boxes. In spite of a previous judge branding him dangerous.  There is no justice in dealing with scum like him



He actually got 15 weeks suspended for 12 months and a drug rehabilitation requirement, which is probably what he really needs.   As he pleaded guilty and all the rest of it, the sentence will have been moderated in line with guidelines.   He's not doing anything that's going to get him locked up for a very very long time under current rules, which means he gets out of prison in a year or two and straight back into crime.  Unless he can kick the drugs, this will likely go on.

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