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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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44 minutes ago, Halibut said:

Actually, yes. By no means everyone who uses herein becomes addicted.

So you are advocating for heroin bars and take outs.


I'm not having a dig at you but there is a lot of hand waving around of drug legalisation and people are often pointed towards alcohol for comparison, or at Portugal for the better informed. But when the actualities of it are held up - heroin bars and take outs - there is a deep reluctance to discuss it in the adult fashion they claim to want to. 


Will this heroin be sold in the pub alongside Stella and Stones and will the supermarket just need proof of age if I can pass for under 18? 

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6 minutes ago, Tony said:

So you are advocating for heroin bars and take outs.


I'm not having a dig at you but there is a lot of hand waving around of drug legalisation and people are often pointed towards alcohol for comparison, or at Portugal for the better informed. But when the actualities of it are held up - heroin bars and take outs - there is a deep reluctance to discuss it in the adult fashion they claim to want to. 


Will this heroin be sold in the pub alongside Stella and Stones and will the supermarket just need proof of age if I can pass for under 18? 

I'm advocating that those addicted to heroin be given heroin on prescription. 

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34 minutes ago, Halibut said:

I'm advocating that those addicted to heroin be given heroin on prescription. 

Why and how is that different to the present situation viz methadone, counselling etc?


We must not pretend that prescription heroin will prevent begging and street drug abuse by people with either complex needs or criminal intent. I am pleased that you are not advocating a liberal approach to psychotics but you have left me wondering what problem prescription heroin would alleviate for both society and the individuals. 

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There are some amazing genuine homeless people out there that are really trying to get a break in life. When you see someone with a dog it doesn't necessarily mean that they are doing it to pull at heart strings, get more money etc etc, Remember that for some they may have not been homeless when they had the dog and as we all say a dog is for life not just for Christmas, therefore they may not be able to let go. I know most homeless people i know look after their dogs more than they actually look after themselves.


That being said i would always say not to offer money, always offer to buy a hot drink, food, something for the dog anything that doesn't involve you handing money over. Any genuine homeless person will be grateful of a hot meal etc. 


Sadly most homeless people do have a addiction of some sort whether that be alcohol, drugs or both therefore offering to buy them a hot meal or something for the dog etc, doesn't fund their habit and they will be grateful of a full belly. 

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On 04/01/2020 at 18:15, jaffa1 said:

Sensible?  It won't be for free someone would have to pay probably  the tax payer.

Then there's  the alcoholics, they would then want their booze for free, what about the smokers, don't  leave them out, free fags?

There  are No "Booze Dealers" & No Fag dealers <>only those selling cheap contraband & they are now few.... Drug Dealing is at epidemic  levels all over the world & thats why there are so many  young death by knife crime all over the UK.

I am a believer that treating Drug Addicts by prescribing addicts  & Heroin in particular which is a Evil Drug it would get rid of most of the Drug Dealers & eventually all of them, it will also it will cut out the shoplifting  by the addicts. a win win situation imo 


Look what happened in the USA when they banned Alcohol in the 20's there were bootleggers / Gangsters all over the country earning fortunes & also murdering each other just like what happening now with the Drug dealings.

Edited by Pussycat12
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After over 2000 posts covering 170-odd pages, hasn't the subject been done to death?
Give them money/don't.
Give them food/don't.
Give them accommodation/don't.
The posts are simply going round in circles, with relatively nothing new as regards possible "solutions" in them.

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On 05/01/2020 at 13:45, Tony said:

Why and how is that different to the present situation viz methadone, counselling etc?


We must not pretend that prescription heroin will prevent begging and street drug abuse by people with either complex needs or criminal intent. I am pleased that you are not advocating a liberal approach to psychotics but you have left me wondering what problem prescription heroin would alleviate for both society and the individuals. 

Psychotics? Presumably you intended to write 'psychedelics', but heroin isn't really regarded as a psychedelic.

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On 13/01/2020 at 05:02, Halibut said:

Psychotics? Presumably you intended to write 'psychedelics', but heroin isn't really regarded as a psychedelic.

There  are No "Booze Dealers" & No Fag dealers <>only those selling cheap contraband & they are now few.... Drug Dealing is at epidemic  levels all over the world & thats why there are so many  young death by knife crime all over the UK.


I am a believer that treating Drug Addicts by prescribing addicts  & Heroin in particular which is a Evil Drug it would get rid of most of the Drug Dealers & eventually all of them, it will also it will cut out the shoplifting  by the addicts. a win win situation imo 


Look what happened in the USA when they banned Alcohol in the 20's there were bootleggers / Gangsters all over the country earning fortunes & also murdering each other just like what happening now with the Drug dealings.

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