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17 hours ago, kidley said:

There is certainly more deaths from overdosing than there ever was, deaths from o.d is at record levels.

whether there is more people using drugs or not is irrelevant when there is more people overdosing themselves to death. 

Austerity is responsible for 130,000+ deaths, and the increase in suicides by drug overdose, most common, by paracetamol, I presume.

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5 hours ago, Lex Luthor said:

Austerity is responsible for 130,000+ deaths, 

yeah, ok


Ultimately, we cannot say — based on the evidence in this study —  that austerity policies caused 120,000 extra deaths.

FactCheck: Did austerity kill 120,000 people?


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1 minute ago, lottiecass said:

The cost alone would make it difficult to work. 

Pharmaceutically pure heroin is very cheap.  The cost of the service would be a great deal cheaper than all the expenses of the crime and policing costs associated with addicts having to fund their own addiction.

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1 minute ago, Halibut said:

Pharmaceutically pure heroin is very cheap.  The cost of the service would be a great deal cheaper than all the expenses of the crime and policing costs associated with addicts having to fund their own addiction.

So you think all junkies want to be clean? if you do you are mistaken. Bodies will be needed for this to work, the only people to benefit from this scheme will be addicts and the bodies that run the scheme. Why is it that the heroin substitute programme hasn't worked? its free and easy to obtain. So you think that giving the real thing will make the drug dealers world collapse? 

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1 hour ago, lottiecass said:

So you think all junkies want to be clean?

No, but if they have the opportunity to get clean gear on prescription, they'll take it and not need to steal to feed their addiction.


Bodies will be needed for this to work, the only people to benefit from this scheme will be addicts and the bodies that run the scheme.

No again - society as a whole benefits; less crime, addicts that are no longer criminals and able to make a positive contribution.



Why is it that the heroin substitute programme hasn't worked? its free and easy to obtain.

One of the reasons is that methadone is really quite unpleasant compared to heroin and doesn't give the user a high. And it's definitely not always easy to obtain.




So you think that giving the real thing will make the drug dealers world collapse? 

Common sense suggests that if the users can get clean gear on prescription, they won't want to get dirty gear from dealers does it not?


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4 hours ago, Halibut said:


Common sense tells me that prescribed heroin = more addicts that will be less liable to come off it. This is my point, for how long will an addict be prescribed heroin? there would have to be a limit, then what happens? back to the dealer it would seem so little change there.

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11 hours ago, lottiecass said:

Common sense tells me that prescribed heroin = more addicts that will be less liable to come off it. This is my point, for how long will an addict be prescribed heroin? there would have to be a limit, then what happens? back to the dealer it would seem so little change there.

Even when heroin was available on script (look it up) of course you couldn't just go to a GP and say 'I'd like some heroin' - you have to be an addict in the first place. How long? Until they want to come off. 


Why would there have to be a limit? Do we set an arbitary time limit on scripts for insulin or antidepressants?

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