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3 hours ago, lottiecass said:

Idiotic? its a self inflicted condition, the need and the side effects can be avoided if heroin use is stopped. Who forces addicts to carry on? themselves. 

You're just illustrating a pitiful lack of knowledge and understanding now.  There are very few side effects from pharmaceutically pure heroin, but stopping taking it causes severe muscular pains, sweating, anxiety, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and insomnia.


To say ''Who forces addicts to carry on? Themselves'' is just crass ignorance - as I said before, it's an overwhelming physical compulsion that makes addicts continue to use.

4 hours ago, lindylou53 said:

Maybe it's an illness now but initially it was a choice.

So what? What use is that observation?

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1 hour ago, mickey finn said:

Agreed, a million things, but nothing prescribed compares to heroin.


1 hour ago, FinBak said:

I agree with that to some extent...But put 'Yourself' in their situation... The relief outweighs the Danger....So to speak..

as i said above, i smoked around 50 cigs a day i packed them in, i wont say it was easy because it wasnt, of all the millions of people who have given up smoking there are also millions who syill smoke.

  My point is every body has different levels of will power, some people will take harmful substances knowing that it will put them in a early grave and they accept that is the consequence of there life style.   

As one M.P said a few years ago regarding smoking said, thats the only pleasure some people have, i think that would fit taking drugs quit nicely  

Edited by kidley
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42 minutes ago, Halibut said:

You're just illustrating a pitiful lack of knowledge and understanding now.  There are very few side effects from pharmaceutically pure heroin, but stopping taking it causes severe muscular pains, sweating, anxiety, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and insomnia.


To say ''Who forces addicts to carry on? Themselves'' is just crass ignorance - as I said before, it's an overwhelming physical compulsion that makes addicts continue to use.

So what? What use is that observation?

My pitiful lack of knowledge on this subject? I know far more about this subject than you realise. You have a typical liberal attitude. It is possible to be weaned off heroin without the severe side effects but you would know that. So who makes them carry on using? Crass ignorance is thinking addicts have no other choice.

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Guest makapaka
5 hours ago, lottiecass said:

How is it rubbish toby, it's reality , no doubt you will know some heroin addicts that will say its not but obviously you know more on the subject than me.

Yes he clearly does.

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6 hours ago, lottiecass said:

Please elaborate. It was sarcasm.


7 hours ago, lottiecass said:

My pitiful lack of knowledge on this subject? I know far more about this subject than you realise. You have a typical liberal attitude. It is possible to be weaned off heroin without the severe side effects but you would know that. So who makes them carry on using? Crass ignorance is thinking addicts have no other choice.

You're hiding it brilliantly well.😆

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On 27/01/2020 at 18:46, lottiecass said:

Common sense tells me that prescribed heroin = more addicts that will be less liable to come off it. This is my point, for how long will an addict be prescribed heroin? there would have to be a limit, then what happens? back to the dealer it would seem so little change there.

A full blown addicted Heroin Addict just cant stop taking it & most dont want to stop....& they find when fully addicted that they need Heroin just to feel normal again & not to get the rush they got when they 1st started using..

long term use of Heroin changes the Brain function & more often permanently. So these users need treating for the addiction just like if they had any other illness & if they were they would not need the dealers.


Edited by Pussycat12
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On 28/01/2020 at 22:43, Halibut said:

You're just illustrating a pitiful lack of knowledge and understanding now.  There are very few side effects from pharmaceutically pure heroin, but stopping taking it causes severe muscular pains, sweating, anxiety, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and insomnia.


To say ''Who forces addicts to carry on? Themselves'' is just crass ignorance - as I said before, it's an overwhelming physical compulsion that makes addicts continue to use.

So what? What use is that observation?

Apart from all the know side effects ? Which includes all the effects you have listed (minus diarrhea and replaced with constipation).  Plus of course the crippling dependance which just gets worse over time.


Yes we are aware that going cold turkey is not great but its a damn sight better than od'ing


Handing it out freely to addicts is not going to solve anything. They will only top up with street gear as they do on methodone.


Education is what is needed, along with the will of the user to stop for a better life

Edit : Can i ask were your "knowledge and understanding" for this subject matter is coming from? Apologies if you have already mentioned,its a long thread


Edited by thecult
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