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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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9 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Nobody is disbelieving you, I just dont think its a "scam", if people want to give a beggar the money they were about to pour into the ticket machine, more fool them.

And this exactly why it is a Scam.

Did the people 'Want' to give money?

Had they left their cars to go out and give money to a beggar either in the car park or anywhere else while out shopping that day?

The simple answer is No they hadn't.

None of those who donated (20 + in the hour I was there) had expected to be asked for loose change when they made made

their way to the ticket machine.

So hanging around for the next 'Punter' to turn up and using the 'Good Deed' of pointing out there is no charge for parking

solely as a preamble into asking for loose change is 'Subterfuge' and to an extent 'subtle intimidation'.

Add together these three were obviously together makes it organised more than opportunistic.

Surprised no one picked me up on me seeing the third 'beggar' with the 'wad' of cash moving the other two on to another 

site to continuing their begging as it was nearing 6pm and their 'scam' would no longer work.


Hats off to Donni Council for introducing Free Afternoon Parking to encourage shoppers into their Town, well done.


Perhaps specific BEGGERS COLLECTION POINTS  would stop those in the carpark being 'fleeced'.


Keep safe.

End of 🧐







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On 05/10/2016 at 19:01, makapaka said:

i think sometimes people just like to demonise beggars as it makes it easier to not confront the fact that in 2016 there are people effectively living in shop doorways.

I agree. Some people will never accept the levels of poverty in this country. We truly are a divided society.

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On 24/04/2020 at 02:15, Martin C said:

I have yet to START giving to said scumbags.  

I d


On 23/04/2020 at 11:11, leginemro said:

Why dont idiotic people of Sheffield JUST STOP GIVING to these scumbags ,they then would move on when they realise the people have got wise to there scams 

I don't give money because Its hard to tell who is genuine and who is not,  there are loads of scammers and irresponsible people who have been evicted for spending their rent on jollying it up in the boozer in other words, self inflicted.  :suspect:

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Whatever happend to the 'tramps' of yesteryear?  The FEW individuals, mainly middle aged or older, who you might occasionally see with the odd bottle of alcohol, never drugged up, who might be down on their luck of opted out of general society?  They very rarely asked for money of bothered people in the city centre for anything. 


Now, you look at what is hanging around the city centre & you mainly see, in the majority, what looks like young men, who would be fit & healthy & could hold down jobs, if only they would, (not COULD, so it does  for many appear to be a lifestyle choice to waste their days), get off the alcohol & drugs. 


People giving individuals money is just perpetuating the problem by providing the street drinkers & drug takers with the finance to buy further drink from presumably local city centre shops who aren't going to refuse the money, whether that be a local 'corner shop' or one of the major supermarkets & drugs from dealers, mainly of a similar age, who aren't going to turn the business down. 


As said many times, if you want to help the homeless, give the money directly to a charity.  



Edited by Baron99
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4 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Whatever happend to the 'tramps' of yesteryear?  The FEW individuals, mainly middle aged or older, who you might occasionally see with the odd bottle of alcohol, never drugged up, who might be down on their luck of opted out of general society?  They very rarely asked for money of bothered people in the city centre for anything. 


Now, you look at what is hanging around the city centre & you mainly see, in the majority, what looks like young men, who would be fit & healthy & could hold down jobs, if only they would, (not COULD, so it does  for many appear to be a lifestyle choice to waste their days), get off the alcohol & drugs. 


People giving individuals money is just perpetuating the problem by providing the street drinkers & drug takers with the finance to buy further drink from presumably local city centre shops who aren't going to refuse the money, whether that be a local 'corner shop' or one of the major supermarkets & drugs from dealers, mainly of a similar age, who aren't going to turn the business down. 


As said many times, if you want to help the homeless, give the money directly to a charity.  



I echo your post.

Exactly the same when Glue sniffing was all the rage (?) didn't see many DIY shops refusing to sell the stuff.

Picking you up on the 'Tramps of Yesterday',  'Pond Street Nora' and I believe 'the Cat Lady' have both been covered extensively on SF,

But, what happened to all the 'Shadow Boxers?

I can remember two in particular, one a rather small chap who used to  Shadow box at the bottom of the Moor usually on waste ground around where the roundabout used to be, or near the Hermitage.

The other was a much bigger guy used to 'shadow box' either in the Peace Gardens or down by the Markets.


Keep safe.







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7 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Whatever happend to the 'tramps' of yesteryear?  The FEW individuals, mainly middle aged or older, who you might occasionally see with the odd bottle of alcohol, never drugged up, who might be down on their luck of opted out of general society?  They very rarely asked for money of bothered people in the city centre for anything. 


Now, you look at what is hanging around the city centre & you mainly see, in the majority, what looks like young men, who would be fit & healthy & could hold down jobs, if only they would, (not COULD, so it does  for many appear to be a lifestyle choice to waste their days), get off the alcohol & drugs. 


People giving individuals money is just perpetuating the problem by providing the street drinkers & drug takers with the finance to buy further drink from presumably local city centre shops who aren't going to refuse the money, whether that be a local 'corner shop' or one of the major supermarkets & drugs from dealers, mainly of a similar age, who aren't going to turn the business down. 


As said many times, if you want to help the homeless, give the money directly to a charity.  



Times have changed.  The places like Middlewood Mental Hospital that dealt with huge numbers of mental health issues have closed, they were supposed to be replaced with 'Care in the Community' but weren't, so you get more people with mental health issues on the street.


Add to that the complexity of modern life that more people find all but impossible to deal with, and you get more people on the street. The draconian laws around Universal credit and sanctions means more people are being made homeless, and end up on the street. 


An influx of migrants who haven't assimilated to our culture see begging as a normal way of life are on the street.

And yes in a corrupt world where corruption starts at the top, I'm sure a few will take advantage to do likewise for themselves.  


So is it surprising the town centres of most Northern cities are awash with beggars? As for getting jobs, once you're on the street having lost everything it's a long way back. You can't just 'get a job' with nowhere to wash, eat or sleep.

And frankly if I was on the street I might well turn to alcohol or drugs to numb the reality of life. Many are on drugs as a symptom  of street life, not the cause of it.

Edited by Anna B
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Like I have said many times before many of the homeless today are from our care system......


Back in 1979 the authorities changed children homes from strict to allowing children in their care to do what they wanted to do !!!!.....


Before that date mentioned above children’s homes were very strict places run by matrons !!!!....


Many of these children have grown up living a life that is destructive to themselves and us !!!!....


They were allowed to live a life from early childhood being destructive ie.....


smoking,taking drugs,staying up to all hours, coming and going at all hours,interacting with young adults and much worse !!!......


Basically they become feral and anyone trying to show them how to live and conduct themselves into a good life would be pointless it would be so alien to them that they would rebel against it !!!!...


It is a very sad situation for the majority of them some do find it in themselves to turn their life around but sadly too many don’t and that is very sad indeed !!!!....

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6 hours ago, dutch said:

Such a joke people getting upset calling some poor beggars by the parking machine scammers. If I want to see real lying scamming professional beggars I look direction #10 and friends. 

Missed the point altogether there Dutch.

These weren't poor beggars in any way, £20+ an hour tax free is better than any min/working wage.

Still nothing said about, or anyone telling me I didn't see the third chancer obviously in charge of the other two pull

a wad of notes out of his inside pocket.


Keep safe


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