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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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I always go by policy :it's better to give the wrong one then not to give to the right one once


This is well meant but it isn't helping anyone - if they are not genuinely homeless (and most beggars are not) the money will very likely be spent to drugs/drink which will help no one. If they are genuinely homeless they need to access help;donate to a homeless charity to make a real difference. Do you want to live a society where begging is rife? Taking the approach 'it's better to give the wrong one then not to give to the right one once' just encourages more and more 'wrong ones' to jump on the bandwagon. Meanwhile the genuine homeless suffer more as a consequence as begging becomes more rife and resentment towards begging grows.

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I don't know about begging but I will never ever buy another copy of the Big Issue after I witnessed one of our neighbours Heroin addicted son's selling them on Fargate.


I thought you had to be homeless to sell the Big Issue?


No, not at all. You do have to be TRYING to turn your life around though by doing something. Big Issue sellers have to adhere to a code of conduct and responsible way of behaviour in an attempt to move them forwards.

The criteria for being a Big Issue seller is varied- but please rest assured that is a supportive system designed to give people responsibility and show them there is an alternative. The person you saw may well be a heroin addict, but them being allowed to sell the Big Issue will mean that they are attempting to change. After all, wouldn't it be easier for them to pester people in the streets claiming to be homeless, and make more money doing so? That's the tragedy- that people giving to 'beggars' stops people taking the Big Issue route. This is why many Big Issue sellers are as angry as everyone else about the many 'beggars' in Sheffield.


---------- Post added 11-07-2017 at 12:41 ----------


I always go by policy :it's better to give the wrong one then not to give to the right one once


I know you feel this is the right thing to do, but please please read my earlier posts in this thread.


Please consider buying the Big Issue, donating to a charity, donating time to a charity, or simply talking to people. Giving money is really just encouraging a problem and causing SO much damage in our community.

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  • 5 weeks later...

New trick being used, middle-eastern looking women will stop you and hand you a note. Has a sob story written on it in English and by the time you've read it, you feel really obliged to give some money.


Or maybe they're legit and I'm being too cynical.

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New trick being used, middle-eastern looking women will stop you and hand you a note. Has a sob story written on it in English and by the time you've read it, you feel really obliged to give some money.


I can assure you Middle Eastern women don't hang about Sheffield begging for money!


I suspect you were interacting with someone from the Romani community of Eastern Europe.

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New trick being used, middle-eastern looking women will stop you and hand you a note. Has a sob story written on it in English and by the time you've read it, you feel really obliged to give some money.


Or maybe they're legit and I'm being too cynical.


simple solution: don't. You're not obliged to do anything.

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All the beggars I've seen in Sheffield have mobile phones. How can they afford these if they have no money ? :huh:


This is the same false argument as 'why do unemployed people have flat screen TVs?'. They either had them when they were employed and housed, or else they're really cheap second hand things. They won't be spending vast amounts of money on them, that's for sure. And is it just 'beggars', or are you just tarring all homeless people with that brush?

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