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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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On 10/11/2023 at 16:32, Bargepole23 said:

OK. Well I guess I must not go in those shops, and I certainly couldn't care less what a security guard thinks of me. 

It’s not so much that as the uselessness of shops paying people to ‘guard’ their stock but then letting blatant looters get away with helping themselves whilst only paying attention to soft targets who often aren’t guilty of anything.  So not only do the looters get away with it but some law abiding customers get put off going in their stores.

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On 09/11/2023 at 21:30, Irene Swaine said:

The cops won't come out for shoplifting these days and the lad on the checkout probably thought it wasn't worth getting stabbed over a bar of chocolate. It just puts prices up for the paying customer. 

Assuming they have cameras in the store, I wonder why they can't get a shot of said shoplifter and paste it in the window of the shop, (maybe asking customers to look out for these individuals as they are known shoplifters.) Could perhaps post it in all the shops in the area.

Shame them.


I don't know where that stands legally, but a professional shoplifter is hardly going to complain to the police, and if they complain angrily in the shop maybe police will come out for 'affray.'


I have never seen the blatant shoplifters myself, but enough people have mentioned it to make me believe it to be true, clearing whole shelves etc.

It has to stop.


Edited by Anna B
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I was having a hunt around to see if I could find out what is/was behind this curious door (since bricked up; the one on the left is still there and leads to electrical stuff) and came across this excellent site.  It has lots of interesting articles, including several about the history of Fitzalan Square.


I'm sure most people on here can remember what a state Fitzalan Square used be in the early 80s, but did you know that its reputation dates back well over a hundred years? 


The snippets from letters to, and columns in, the Sheffield Daily Telegraph around 1885, reminded me of the comments in this thread:



If only some of our worthy Aldermen and Councillors would make it convenient to spend a few hours each day, for a week, in the immediate vicinity of this structure, they would, I am sure, be earnest in their endeavours to put an end to the constant ‘loafing’ which takes place by ‘undesirables’ at this particular sport




The correspondents who are raising the question of this unpicturesque resort of the city’s Weary Willies and Tired Tims will do good service if they can stimulate the authorities into action. We will confess that we never pass through Fitzalan Square without experiencing a keen desire to turn a hose pipe on those seats, partly because it would be a pleasing novelty to see the people run, as in their abhorrence of cold water they would, and partly because both they and the seats they occupy look as if they would be the better for a smart wash.


There need be no sentiment wasted over the denizens of Fitzalan Square. When we are really civilised, we shall transport such people to Labour Colonies and give them to eat exactly what they earn. Failing that there is neither reason nor sense in retaining them as permanent decorations to the city’s ‘finest site’. Fitzalan Square might be something to be proud of. At present it is only disgusting.




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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Assuming they have cameras in the store, I wonder why they can't get a shot of said shoplifter and paste it in the window of the shop, (maybe asking customers to look out for these individuals as they are known shoplifters.) Could perhaps post it in all the shops in the area.

Shame them.


I don't know where that stands legally, but a professional shoplifter is hardly going to complain to the police, and if they complain angrily in the shop maybe police will come out for 'affray.'


I have never seen the blatant shoplifters myself, but enough people have mentioned it to make me believe it to be true, clearing whole shelves etc.

It has to stop.


The Chinese supermarket on West Street, across from Nando's has several pictures of shoplifters in the window. I definitely recognise the faces too. 

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The Police and SCC must have had a purge on rough sleepers and street drinkers in the City Centre of late.  They have displaced them towards West Street and the surrounding University properties.  The 'move along' regime presently adopted isn't helping anyone. They need rounding up and transporting to a place where they can be bathed, given clean clothing and fed.  Then arrangements made to help get them a permanent place to live, get off the drink/drugs and if possible, some gainful employment.   A multi-agency approach.   As a fellow human being, am I asking too much?

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10 hours ago, Tipstaff said:

The Police and SCC must have had a purge on rough sleepers and street drinkers in the City Centre of late.  They have displaced them towards West Street and the surrounding University properties.  The 'move along' regime presently adopted isn't helping anyone. They need rounding up and transporting to a place where they can be bathed, given clean clothing and fed.  Then arrangements made to help get them a permanent place to live, get off the drink/drugs and if possible, some gainful employment.   A multi-agency approach.   As a fellow human being, am I asking too much?

Nearly all of them have somewhere to bathe and shelter and be fed. I agree the dispersal order is like shovelling sh*t from one place to another. Tesco on West Street once again has an array of them persistently begging and accosting customers outside. It must be bad for business. 

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11 hours ago, Tipstaff said:

The Police and SCC must have had a purge on rough sleepers and street drinkers in the City Centre of late.  They have displaced them towards West Street and the surrounding University properties.  The 'move along' regime presently adopted isn't helping anyone. They need rounding up and transporting to a place where they can be bathed, given clean clothing and fed.  Then arrangements made to help get them a permanent place to live, get off the drink/drugs and if possible, some gainful employment.   A multi-agency approach.   As a fellow human being, am I asking too much?

Of course you are right. The government know what the solution is, Labour was doing it years ago and had almost eradicated rough sleeping. But it needs funding and the Tories are always about doing things on the cheap which usually means doing nothing at all (unless it can make one or two of their chums richer... care homes anybody?)


And it's better not to get in this situation in the first place by giving adequate funding further back down the line by investing in families, education, people and decent, permanent jobs, with a bit of joined up thinking. Everything's connected and creates a whole strategy that works. 


We continue to pay our taxes as we should, but honestly, under this government, what have we got to show for it?




Edited by Anna B
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