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32 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

Just WOW! 

If that's not the pot calling the kettle an appliance of colour I don't know what is.

Not surprised as you don't know much at all.

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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Don't go in there again ,if you can help it .

But that wouldn't help matters, would it?

Our bills will still rise to pay for these thieving cretins, and yet some folk find it all amusing.

An outfit the size of the Co-op should be able to afford some kind of security - it's not as though it's some small independent.



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2 hours ago, FoxLady said:

Just witnessed another shoplifter in the same Co-op store as last week! 

His padded jacket pockets were absolutely crammed, but he only registered two items on the self-service machine before walking out.

I stood at one of the three tills, waiting for service.....nobody there, of course. It must be a dream for 'lifters.

Two staff elsewhere, filling chillers. I whistled. Nothing. 

Five minutes? Maybe nearer ten.

I shouted down one of the aisles "Anyone serving?", and eventually a young lass appeared.

I told her "If you check your CCTV you'll see a bloke in a purple jacket ripping you off down the drinks aisle...."

She looked at me. It simply didn't compute. I might've well said it in a foreign language.

Not a word. No emotion whatsoever. 

She finished scanning my goods, before I asked for a book of 1st class stamps.

"We do sell them, but I don't know where they are...."

And that was it! No searching round. That was her answer, and you, the customer, stand there and "accept" it.


How do these people get through an interview?!

No wonder these shops are getting problems with shoplifters. 



The same way that people like you do posting a cavalcade of bobbar like the above.

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2 hours ago, RollingJ said:

More insults - but should we expect anything different?

You don't have the intelligence to address the thread  (  can't remember the last time you did  ) so write about how insulting the poster is instead.

If you wish to keep reading posts which you feel are insulting,  there must be something wrong with you.

Do enjoy.

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