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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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 This was in Westminster, London but it shows a good idea to stop these dregs making our streets anti social. If Sheffield High Street McDonald's did this every day, it would make the gang of scummers and their piles of rubbish disappear. It doesn't solve the problem of the mobile beggars who actively walk up to people but I have plenty of ideas on how to crack down on that (and have expressed some of them in this thread).

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3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Oh come on, you cant agree with that, thats outrageous.


One of the very first replies is from McDonalds themselves with a groveling apology, and here you are suggesting they should do that here? Behave.

I don't agree with chucking cleaning fluid at him, but I do agree with wetting the floor as a deterrent. McDonald's want to keep their snowflake virtue signalling image up. I notice they ignore the message that says he gets dropped off there every day to beg and boasts to his wife at home on the phone about how much money he has made from gullible people. Shops have spikes on the roofs to deter pigeons, wet floors outside should help deter human leeches. 

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4 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

 This was in Westminster, London but it shows a good idea to stop these dregs making our streets anti social. If Sheffield High Street McDonald's did this every day, it would make the gang of scummers and their piles of rubbish disappear. It doesn't solve the problem of the mobile beggars who actively walk up to people but I have plenty of ideas on how to crack down on that (and have expressed some of them in this thread).

Absolutely disgraceful. 

Shame on you for thinking that's OK.

Show some humanity. 

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4 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

 This was in Westminster, London but it shows a good idea to stop these dregs making our streets anti social. If Sheffield High Street McDonald's did this every day, it would make the gang of scummers and their piles of rubbish disappear. It doesn't solve the problem of the mobile beggars who actively walk up to people but I have plenty of ideas on how to crack down on that (and have expressed some of them in this thread).

City of Westminster...enough said not like us northern class overworked under payed 2nd class citizens in there eyes !

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5 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

 This was in Westminster, London but it shows a good idea to stop these dregs making our streets anti social. If Sheffield High Street McDonald's did this every day, it would make the gang of scummers and their piles of rubbish disappear. It doesn't solve the problem of the mobile beggars who actively walk up to people but I have plenty of ideas on how to crack down on that (and have expressed some of them in this thread).

Security guard now sacked !

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4 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

If you ran a business, would you want some dosser outside, hassling potential customers and putting them off entering?

So you think spraying them with water is a cracking idea that will get loads of great PR? 


This has now made the BBC News btw. 

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