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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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Dont give to them. They are buying drugs with the money.


This is the system we've created.


The medical community have always been armed with the drugs that are needed to alleviate the suffering and bring order & stability to an otherwise chaotic and miserable human existence. The drug intervention that is required is considered illegal in this country because our politicians see it as inviting the devil to dinner.


So yes, we'll continue to see emaciated beggars on our streets, we'll continue to have our homes burgled, we'll continue to see shoplifting, muggings, prostitution, card fraud, stolen charity boxes, stolen bikes etc.


Unless we start getting smart and demanding a re-think of our entrenched positions, this issue will just continue and potentially worsen over time.

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This is the system we've created.


The medical community have always been armed with the drugs that are needed to alleviate the suffering and bring order & stability to an otherwise chaotic and miserable human existence. The drug intervention that is required is considered illegal in this country because our politicians see it as inviting the devil to dinner.


So yes, we'll continue to see emaciated beggars on our streets, we'll continue to have our homes burgled, we'll continue to see shoplifting, muggings, prostitution, card fraud, stolen charity boxes, stolen bikes etc.


Unless we start getting smart and demanding a re-think of our entrenched positions, this issue will just continue and potentially worsen over time.


If you want to help then buy them a sandwich. On a few occasions ive seen Tesco sandwiches dropped down to 30p and ive bought the lot and given them away.


And if they've got a dog i always buy dog food, a bottle of water and a few treats for the dog.


I never give them cash

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If you want to help then buy them a sandwich. On a few occasions ive seen Tesco sandwiches dropped down to 30p and ive bought the lot and given them away.


And if they've got a dog i always buy dog food, a bottle of water and a few treats for the dog.


I never give them cash


What's the difference? By subsidising their living expenses you free up cash for their recreation.

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Hillsborough is where I shop and I've never seen any beggars there. Only the man selling the mags for Shelter and The Salvation Army man.


Good evening. They've not been about for a couple of weeks but there were a few people begging at Morrison's most nights. A man and woman, one at each entrance. There were also 2 or 3 that sat outside pound land asking for change. I know 100% one of the men outside pound land is not homeless and does spend the money on drugs. Having said that he is very pleasant to speak to.

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I agree about supporting charities rather than giving directly to people on the street, but if I was living rough I'd probably want a dog too, partly for safety and partly for some companionship...


I think it's wrong to keep a dog if you can't even afford to keep a roof over your head. I saw another homeless person on the moor swigging cider early this morning with a dog. People not capable of taking care of themselves shouldn't have a dog!!

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I think it's wrong to keep a dog if you can't even afford to keep a roof over your head. I saw another homeless person on the moor swigging cider early this morning with a dog. People not capable of taking care of themselves shouldn't have a dog!!


They get a dog for sympathy from people. ( therefore more money) I feel so sorry for the dogs, with their sad eyes, and lack of excercise. I would have thought that the RSPCA would have something to say about this situation !

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I think it's wrong to keep a dog if you can't even afford to keep a roof over your head. I saw another homeless person on the moor swigging cider early this morning with a dog. People not capable of taking care of themselves shouldn't have a dog!!


They get a dog for sympathy from people. ( therefore more money) I feel so sorry for the dogs, with their sad eyes, and lack of excercise. I would have thought that the RSPCA would have something to say about this situation !


They get a dog because dogs are decent and non-judgemental, unlike, as evidenced on this thread, many of the human beings in our society.


As for the dogs, they are generally considerably better of in the company of a human being who loves them, even if that person lacks a home, than the average RSPCA dog home.


Given the number of unwanted dogs in dog homes, many of who will end up being put down, I wish more people would recognize that homeless people who adopt them, are providing a social service.

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They get a dog because dogs are decent and non-judgemental, unlike, as evidenced on this thread, many of the human beings in our society.


As for the dogs, they are generally considerably better of in the company of a human being who loves them, even if that person lacks a home, than the average RSPCA dog home.


Given the number of unwanted dogs in dog homes, many of who will end up being put down, I wish more people would recognize that homeless people who adopt them, are providing a social service.


Providing a social service ??? :huh:

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They get a dog because dogs are decent and non-judgemental, unlike, as evidenced on this thread, many of the human beings in our society.


As for the dogs, they are generally considerably better of in the company of a human being who loves them, even if that person lacks a home, than the average RSPCA dog home.


Given the number of unwanted dogs in dog homes, many of who will end up being put down, I wish more people would recognize that homeless people who adopt them, are providing a social service.


Well said! Why shouldnt homeless people have a dog wouldnt you want some company and some comfort if you were homeless. Some of comments on here make me sick! As if homeless make loads of money i doubt it!! A lad ive got talking to most days he often shows me bit of money he got not even enough for a coffee! Hes a nice lad not a druggie or alcoholic! Not sure why ended up homeless but is hoping to get somewhere soon now he been here 6 months. Hes says people look at him and say things and "they dont even know me"! Cant stand people who are so judgemental it could happen to anyone only takes some1 to loose their job, relationship breakdown, mental breakdown, etc, say a lot of people only 2 or 3 pay packets away from being homeless! And have to remember not everyone has loving family or friends. I do the homeless Shoeboxes for the "Archer Project" at Christmas and doing sponsored walk this year. Also take food in every so often. If people helped other people down on their luck instead of judging them be a better world!!

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