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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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I'm surprised that as someone who works with the homeless, (presumably in the front line), you've not focussed your anger on some of the so called charities that also work with the homeless; many of whose chief executives and the like, attend conferences at plush hotels, to discuss homeless related issues and network with other professionals in the area:




Many of those attending these conferences head up organisations also give out the direct advice not to give to homeless people.

The whole thing stinks quite frankly.


Yes there are people begging on the street who aren't rough sleepers - many will have addiction, mental health problems; and feel so much at rock bottom that they are reduced to begging. Yes there will also be those on the streets who take the mick - but there are plenty who work in the homeless industry, and get paid handsomely, that do the same.


Not too sure what you mean. Isn't this a different issue?

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Not too sure what you mean. Isn't this a different issue?


Only that I've read the posts on here & many seem quick to condemn those begging, but it doesn't seem to go beyond that - into issues such as the effectiveness of services ( e.g. police, council services, health service), which are given money (either by donations or from taxes) into tackling the issue.


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 00:08 ----------


Whataboutism. It's a coping mechanism.


The anger on here directed at those reduced to begging maybe a coping mechanism - especially if people believe that those doing it are on a nice little earner.

I can't be the only one whose noticed a big rise in the number of beggars on Sheffield's streets over the last 10 years - genuine or not.

If beggars are being aggressive, or are known to have benefits and have a place to sleep, then let the police deal with them. I've no time for people who take the **** out of people's better natures.

I also think it's taking advantage of people's better natures for charities to tell the public to give to them, & not directly to the homeless only to find that the great and the good of said charities are living it large on people's donations.

Edited by Mister M
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You should see how the hamburg authority's dealt with the homeless a few years back. Atrocious.


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 00:41 ----------


You should have seen how the hamburg authority's dealt with the homeless a few years back. Atrocious. Who'd want a life like that.

Edited by Jason crock
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Yeh i saw that .. load o'tripe... like summat you'd probably read in.the Daily Mail.

Loads of cities and towns have the same problems with beggars.. 99% of which are Junkies ..

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Let me tell what happened to me and my pals a couple of months ago. We was drinking drinks after work on a Friday outside HEAD OF STEAM and a beggar man was marching between different groups of people. He came up to us and we all said we didn't have no money to give him. He then said "Well someone's lying!" in an aggressive manner. I said "WHAT?" and he then said "You'll see. You'll see. You'll get what's coming to you. It's calmer". Weird. Malcolm told him to do one and he did eventually.

Edited by ohmyword
I sounded arrogant
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Let me tell what happened to me and my pals a couple of months ago. We was drinking drinks after work on a Friday outside HEAD OF STEAM and a beggar man was marching between different groups of people. He came up to us and we all said we didn't have no money to give him. He then said "Well someone's lying!" in an aggressive manner. I said "WHAT?" and he then said "You'll see. You'll see. You'll get what's coming to you. It's calmer". Weird. Malcolm told him to do one and he did eventually.


Should read "karma", methinks...

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You can never tell, I was in Maccie D's the other day and was standing next to someone that looked homeless and really wanted to reach into my purse and give him a £10 but will this help him? will it get spent on drugs or booze you just don't know so i did nothing but i then feel bad that i didn't give him some cash...was i right i don't know?

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