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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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It's an offence to beg, so it shouldn't need to be an offence to give money away. The problem is getting worse, and education of people who give their money to these people should be key. Most people would be horrified at the thought that their money was making these people's lives worse.


You keep saying these things without providing any evidence to back it up. Rather than expending energy telling people not to give money I would rather that energy spent on actually helping these people.

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You keep saying these things without providing any evidence to back it up. Rather than expending energy telling people not to give money I would rather that energy spent on actually helping these people.


What evidence would you like? There's pages of it. I do expend energy on trying to help them- as do the many people who work with vulnerable people across Sheffield, many of whom are volunteers.


Many people over many pages have expressed ways in which they are helping. Again- what evidence would you like, on what subject? The homeless statistics? They are a few pages back.


I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve with this comment. If you're looking for people to tell you that the best thing you can do for beggars is to give them money, then it really isn't going to happen. No one will tell you that, no matter who they work or volunteer for.

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You keep saying these things without providing any evidence to back it up. Rather than expending energy telling people not to give money I would rather that energy spent on actually helping these people.


My Bold


I would think you have read most if not all of this thread, So my question to you is, how would you help a person who has a home, in receipt of benefits, who chooses to be an addict and to feed his/her addiction, goes out and begs off strangers?

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A few weeks ago I realised it was getting out of hand so I decided to keep a score of the number of times I was approached and asked for money on my journey through the city

Whilst walking from the train station to Morrison's in Broomhill on a Sunday lunchtime I was asked for money 37 times


Does not surprise me I visit town most Sundays and the % beggars to members of the public is big.


They also seem to be particularly determined/desperate.


You will be asked many times if you are in the Division Street/West Street area.

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A few weeks ago I realised it was getting out of hand so I decided to keep a score of the number of times I was approached and asked for money on my journey through the city

Whilst walking from the train station to Morrison's in Broomhill on a Sunday lunchtime I was asked for money 37 times


Wow. That is a very long walk.


You should've asked the beggars for a £1 so you can get the bus. :hihi:

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Guest makapaka
Helping these people ? :huh:


Yes helping people - A bit like helping little poochie-woos.....


Except this time it helps human beings.

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I’m becoming embarrassed by Sheffield. The good folk of our city really need to stop encouraging these beggars by not giving anything to them. As has previously been posted there are other vehicles for donating to if you want to help the genuine homeless and be sure your money reaches someone who really is in need. A work colleague of mine has seen the doorway beggars who litter our city centre each day meet up in the morning before being allocated patches to beg in. They have then been seen later in the day paying what can only be described as a rent collector for the privilege of begging in their patch. Unacceptable, undefendable and morally wrong. Please please stop giving these people money and food.

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Amazing as it sounds, people have refused accommodation based on the fact "it's too far for me to go"- it was half an hour on foot from the city centre. Exact quote was "why the hell should I have to walk home. I won't walk anywhere". Followed by abuse.


---------- Post added 03-11-2017 at 12:03 ----------



I think you'd be surprised how little has changed!


It's exactly this. You're facing an impossible task of trying to engage people when they can make £100-200 a day begging.


Take The Big Issue. What incentive is there for people to engage with them, go through the meetings and supervision required, be shown how to pay their taxes etc, when they see they can make more sitting and doing nothing and not face their problems?


Been reading this thread with interest, people being stopped 37 times by beggars, suggest"s to me their must be hundreds plying their trade in the city centre. I can"t believe there making upwards of £200 per day, I really can"t.

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Been reading this thread with interest, people being stopped 37 times by beggars, suggest"s to me their must be hundreds plying their trade in the city centre. I can"t believe there making upwards of £200 per day, I really can"t.


Y'know the only place I've been actively begged from, as in being approached/harassed/followed, is in Waitrose car park where it's happened a few times. I've seen plenty of beggars sitting next to cash machines etc but none have accosted me. I'm amazed by the figure of being stopped 37 times.

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