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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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Although I understand and agree with everything you have said here. It doesn't explain the regular people who harass Sheffielders for money. They have been around the streets for decades even when Blair was in power. The only difference now is that legal highs were made illegal so they start using them in the city hence the spice zombies you see.

maybe because the tories, and tory lites have always shafted us over

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I understand that you would think that - it's hard to accept that the government would deliberately make life hard for very ill people isn't it? Sadly, your optimism is misplaced though. There are hardship payments available for JSA but only if you are sanctioned, not if your claim is cancelled by the DWP. There are no hardship payments available to ESA claimants. There are some Jobcentre staff who can see that someone should be on ESA, despite them being refused it, and that the person in question can't comply with the conditions for receiving JSA, but there is literally no mechanism by which Jobcentre staff can move someone on to ESA if they have already been refused it.


And then there are the refusals of ESA that can only be made by someone who is intent on limiting the number of awards - anyone else meeting that person for 10 minutes can easily see that they have limited capability for work.


JSA, ESA. Surely if they dont qaulify for either benifit they cant expect em to starve people there is a law against that. Anyhow this lot you see on the streets get their dole spend it on Boose then when they are skint they find a Pitch and then stick their Mits out. Commonly known as going on the **** then taking the ****.:roll:

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I was asked for money by 2 'homeless' people on Norwood shops on the same day last week. Both were polite but it seemed unlikely that 2 homeless people appeared on the same day

why are they only homeless on different days?

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