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Canada requires an employer considering a foreigner to demonstrate first that a Canadian can't do the job well enough. I think this is more honoured in the breach, but still....
Neither Canada (nor the US who has inspired these Canadian provisions) have a legislative equivalent (in HR terms) to the Equality Act.

It would be a great shame if we ended up with even half of that law. This is supposed to be a meritocracy.
You can take all the measure of this "meritocracy" that you care to take, with a passing glance at May's record of achievement to date :|


It's not the first time you've been told that you've been sold a pup, and you can be sure (take it to the bank -sure) that it won't be the last.


You voted Brexit as a blank sheet of paper. But neither you nor any other voter, Leave or Remain, gets to fill that sheet, only the populist politicians now entitled by that vote. You and all the other voters, Leave and Remain, will get to own the consequences just the same, though. Nicely deep, cleanly delimited and durable divide there, already conquered by May & Co.


Best'o'luck and all that.

Edited by L00b
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Neither Canada (nor the US who has inspired these Canadian provisions) have a legislative equivalent (in HR terms) to the Equality Act.

You can take all the measure of this "meritocracy" that you care to take, with a passing glance at May's record of achievement to date :|


It's not the first time you've been told that you've been sold a pup, and you can be sure (take it to the bank -sure) that it won't be the last.


You voted Brexit as a blank sheet of paper. But neither you nor any other voter, Leave or Remain, gets to fill that sheet, only the populist politicians now entitled by that vote. You'll get to own the consequences just the same, though. Best'o'luck and all that.



It's all very well with the Brexit told-you-sos, but we are taking back control of our own laws and government and it's up to us to see that they're right and fair.

Just because a nationalistic policy it mooted at a conference doesn't mean we have to vote for it.

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It's all very well with the Brexit told-you-sos, but we are taking back control of our own laws and government and it's up to us to see that they're right and fair. Just because a nationalistic policy it mooted at a conference doesn't mean we have to vote for it.
Well, quite.


As I said. Best of luck with all that.

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Well, quite.


As I said. Best of luck with all that.


Triggering article 50 is an executive decision which we most certainly did vote for in the referendum.

I find this idea that we need the supra-national government of the EU to keep us from making bad decisions on our own to be patronising and silly.

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Triggering article 50 is an executive decision which we most certainly did vote for in the referendum.
I can see that you understand the principles and nuances of parliamentary democracy and its checks and balances just fine :hihi:


This isn't the place for this particular debate.


I'll just remind you for the n-th time that this referendum was consultative only (not legally binding) and that, even if you were to (wrongfully) take its outcome as binding, this outcome did not specify any position on a soft-to-hard Brexiting scale (which May & Co are now unilaterally making a hard Brexit).


And leave it at that.

I find this idea that we need the supra-national government of the EU to keep us from making bad decisions on our own to be patronising and silly.
Have I said or even suggested that? I only referred to the UK's executive and legislative apparel, sod all to do with the EU.


In the meantime...Not only was I already a negotiation pawn (last clearly and unambiguously acknowledged as such by Fox yesterday IIRC) but now I'm now scapegoat-elect as well.


You expecting me to turn the other cheek or something? :hihi:


Now multiply that sentiment by 3-ish millions net-contributing 20-to-40 somethings (and don't forget the job loss multiplier effect).


As I said. Best of luck with all that.

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Europeans need to look at the rise in Xenophobia/racism in their own country's before going on about it in Britain post-brexit.


It's a global phenomenon, mafya.


It was slow in starting after 2008. But inevitable: it always follows large economic crashes.


It has since gained political legitimacy. Here, in Europe, in Australia, in the US...everywhere you care to look.

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