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How do you make people un racist? The abomination that was the referendum campaign was littered with under tones and it gave the green light to a big upswing in racist attacks.


I suggest 2 things.

1. Don't call people racist when they're not. A lot more restraint is required with the use of the term. It's not catch-all term for anything progressives don't like.

2. Be honest about the advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism.

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This, from none other than the UK government's no.2, is downright shocking, if you take 2 minutes to reflect about it properly. This was not merely conference politicking and throw away noise. This was policy talk by the governing party with a comfortable majority. This was the UK's home secretary, not the UKIP or the BNP or the EDL leader or home secretary-elect at their conference. Shocking.


The jokey replies in here are all the vindication you needed, if you needed any. And they're not from the 'rabid' members.


Just leave this place to the parochial self-destructing course which its new leaders are quite clearly steering from now on. FUBAR and then some.


Few more bits of business to take care of, and I ain't gonna be long behind you, Tim.


I'm anything but rabid!


This speech is what some of the population want to hear. Its core message is British Jobs for British people. A bit UKIP? A bit New Labour as well.




As Zamo reminds us often, the referendum WAS about immigration for a lot of people. This is what some of those people want.


But this is from a party that said they would cut immigration and then didn't.


Not that long ago May made a speech that offended the entire Met. Now it's Rudd offending. But it will have got a few Kippers stirring. And there are 4m of them.

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I'm anything but rabid!
Did you miss the 'not' disqualifying you, Ron, tfh and the others from the adjective? ;)

But this is from a party that said they would cut immigration and then Theresa May as Home Secretary didn't for about 6 years.
I've edited in some more topical accuracy, if you don't mind.


The UKIP voter-courting aspect of the exercise was never lost on me, Santo. But it's one thing to consider the matter as a casual political observer...and another when you also happen to be directly concerned by the proposed measure.


Leading to questions such as "if this goes through, where does this end?" (obviously, but then-) "Should my wife be listed as in a relationship with a non-British subject?", "Should my daughter's school list her as a dual national?", <...>


Musings for thoughts.


One thing I can certainly guarantee you, on the basis of specialist multinational/expatriate forums that I also frequent, is that there are a lot of EU immigrants (and non-EU ones such as Kiwis and Aussies) pondering these very questions since yesterday.

Edited by L00b
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I suggest 2 things.

1. Don't call people racist when they're not. A lot more restraint is required with the use of the term. It's not catch-all term for anything progressives don't like.

2. Be honest about the advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism.


If someone is telling a polish person to go home after the referendum or beating them because they're polish, I'll happily call them racist. Both went up sharply post-brexit.

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If someone is telling a polish person to go home after the referendum or beating them because they're polish, I'll happily call them racist. Both went up sharply post-brexit.



Good on you for insulting the mindless bigot, but Polish is not a race.

Now if you were able to determine that the mindless bigot was acting out of disdain for Slavic people. That's a different matter.

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Good on you for insulting the mindless bigot, but Polish is not a race.

Now if you were able to determine that the mindless bigot was acting out of disdain for Slavic people. That's a different matter.


Yeah, and I'm sure you're average bigot will know the difference.

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Yeah, and I'm sure you're average bigot will know the difference.


The [Godwin's Klaxon Alert again] certainly saw a difference between Slavs and other white Europeans.

Don't underestimate the enemy. I refer to the bigots as mindless because I hate them, not because I actually think they're stupid. The smart ones are the most dangerous.

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The [Godwin's Klaxon Alert again] certainly saw a difference between Slavs and other white Europeans.

Don't underestimate the enemy. I refer to the bigots as mindless because I hate them, not because I actually think they're stupid. The smart ones are the most dangerous.


Well the smart ones aren't the ones killing and/or beating people in Harlow or leaving "No more Polish Vermin" cards on cars in Huntington. What are the smart ones doing?

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