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Serious legal action needed against car owners who park on pavements

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Cars don't usually drive quickly down a dead-end street, one would have to be extra careful, and if it was too risky then inform the council - or carry a loud hailer or hooter (I have one for football matches) :D


It was quite a long dead end street;) I'm not sure what you would expect the council to do?

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On the other hand...


Some roads (like the one I live on) are too narrow for large vehicles to pass if cars do not park on the pavement. Therefore if there was an emergency (such as a house on fire further up the road, which has only one entrance) then a fire engine could not get through. We have already experienced similar with lack of bin collections and deliveries for example.


But obviously, inconveniencing somewhere with a pushchair is much more serious than, oh, saving someone's life for example.


And for the record I have a drive so don't park on the street. I'm just saying that I can see reasons it happens.


I agree with you.


It's exactly the same conditions in my Crescent. Fortunately I have a dedicated parking space-but others don't. If people didn't park on the pavement immediately outside their front door,nothing could get through especially the

bin cart.

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Could we see the building of town garages for cars? I often see roads that don't change with the amount of cars on them from dawn to dusk


We clearly need something. Driverless cars that could park themselves up in car parks are some way off and car ownership is hardly likely to drop anytime soon either so in the interim we do need some different ideas. Simple saying cars shouldn't park on the pavement, end of, doesn't really fix the problem fully. It fixes it for pedestrians agreed, but unless 1 side of the road is then made double yellows to stop double parking and blocking the road then emergency vehicles might not be able to get through and that's another big problem. Same as on narrower single lane streets, are they going to made entirely double yellows too? So yes enforcing parking on the pavement is a good idea but only when coupled with a better solution for more parking. Surely a halfway house is needed? Allow pavement parking if, and only if, parking any other way would cause obstruction and if a double pram or wheelchair can safely get past the parked car without going on the road, otherwise big penalties and possibly even points on your license for driving without due care and attention.

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Could we see the building of town garages for cars? I often see roads that don't change with the amount of cars on them from dawn to dusk


You could but at what price? I think people would want 24 hour security along with liability for loss or damage, it wouldn't be feasible would it!

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Reduce dependence on the car?


Some posters seem to be suggesting they HAVE to park on the pavement. Really? Its your choice to live where you live, work where to do and own a car, you don't HAVE to park on the pavement.


Im sure I recently read somewhere that parking was an increasingly important consideration for people looking to move. If these charges are brought in perhaps people will give it even more thought?

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