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UKIP - What a joke..

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I think that if UKIP 'rebrand' to a working class middle right party, then they would become more powerful than Labour


"rebrand"...?they are run by right wing ex-tories and rightwing business people... they are basically cross between the Tories and edl/bnp...and are becoming more rightwing.

Any working class person of any colour skyline , who votes for them needs their heads tested.. the only reason many people who voted bnp a few years ago are the same albeit less extreme reasons they have voted ukip recently...immigration.. nothing more...

don't let em know about anymore ukip policy's that are basically extreme tory policies...

Edited by WestTinsley
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Given that the meeting is reported as a meeting of UKIP MEPs in Strasbourg, as I stated it's a safe bet that the offending MEP is a British UKIP MEP.


Shultz cannot 'do nothing' when a group of MEPs come to fisticuffs and one lands in hospital. Especially not after the fact gets publicised. So a British UKIP MEP is highly to get disciplined shortly, maybe even chucked out of the European Parliament.


Now, if that happens, do you expect the pro-Brexit/hard-Brexit/Leave side to recognise and quietly accept that Shultz had to impose a sanction on a UKIP MEP? That if the UKIP MEP ends up chucked out, it will have been a collective decision by the heads of state of the EU27, and neither Schultz' nor Juncker's decision?


Or do you expect to turn this around as the big bad EU acting antidemocratically by revoking an elected British MEP?


Answers on a postage stamp, that's all the space you need for that one.


Here we go: EU launches probe after clash of Ukip MEPs leaves one in hospital

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz has this morning confirmed that the incident may have breached parliament rules and an investigation has been launched.


“The reported facts are extremely serious. It goes without saying that disrespectful and violent behaviour does not have a place in the European Parliament,” Schulz said in a statement.


“As a consequence, and regardless of the possible judicial consequences that this incident may also have, I have decided today to refer this very regrettable matter to the advisory committee.”

As I mentioned yesterday, the Advisory Committee and Schultz will eventually consider the matter under Rule 166:



Rule 166 : Penalties


1. In exceptionally serious cases of disorder or disruption of Parliament in violation of the principles laid down in Rule 11, the President, after hearing the Member concerned, shall adopt a reasoned decision laying down the appropriate penalty, which he shall notify to the Member concerned and to the presiding officers of the bodies, committees and delegations on which the Member serves, before announcing it to plenary.


2. When assessing the conduct observed, account shall be taken of its exceptional, recurrent or permanent nature and of its seriousness, on the basis of the guidelines annexed to these Rules of Procedure(1).


3. The penalty may consist of one or more of the following measures:


(a) a reprimand;


(b) forfeiture of entitlement to the daily subsistence allowance for a period of between two and ten days;


© without prejudice to the right to vote in plenary, and subject, in this instance, to strict compliance with the Members' standards of conduct, temporary suspension from participation in all or some of the activities of Parliament for a period of between two and ten consecutive days on which Parliament or any of its bodies, committees or delegations meet;


(d) submission to the Conference of Presidents, in accordance with Rule 21, of a proposal for the Member’s suspension or removal from one or more of the offices held by the Member in Parliament.

We all (in Yorkshire and the Humberside) might wind back up at the urns yet.


If that's the case, be interesting to see if it returns another UKIP MEP.

Edited by L00b
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Joke or otherwise, they have managed almost single handedly to change the course of history...


Just a bunch of agitators.

Having "changed the course of history" by appealing to a nationalist psyche,they had not a clue about what to do next.

Farage stepped down having said his job was done.

All they hope to do now is sit on the sidelines and carp about any agreements or settlements that their actions have necessitated.

They are not a political party ,just a right wing pressure group who I hope will destroy themselves.

They made a good start this week.

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Just a bunch of agitators.

Having "changed the course of history" by appealing to a nationalist psyche,they had not a clue about what to do next.

Farage stepped down having said his job was done.

All they hope to do now is sit on the sidelines and carp about any agreements or settlements that their actions have necessitated.

They are not a political party ,just a right wing pressure group who I hope will destroy themselves.

They made a good start this week.


If I was them I wouldn't consider my job done until we are actually out of the EU.

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If I was them I wouldn't consider my job done until we are actually out of the EU.


but that would involve the kippers attending meetings, uniting behind their leader and, you know, having a coherent strategy.


Sadly, they fail on all counts.

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No doubt that UKip (who I support) have shot themselves in the foot, even if a punch was NOT thrown, unsavory behavior occurred.


It's almost , but not quite as bad as Corbyn giving his old girlfriend the top opposition job, and that Baroness Chakrabarti woman another top job. He has lost his mind.



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It's almost , but not quite as bad as Corbyn giving his old girlfriend the top opposition job, and that Baroness Chakrabarti woman another top job. He has lost his mind.


Ha ha ha ha


No. YOU have lost your mind.


One kipper chins another and puts him in hospital. But you tell us that isn't as bad as a Labour cabinet reshuffle?


Any kippers disagree with me ?


Let's step outside and settle this Mano a Mano :D

Edited by The Joker
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Ha ha ha ha


No. YOU have lost your mind.


One kipper chins another and puts him in hospital. But you tell us that isn't as bad as a Labour cabinet reshuffle?


Any kippers disagree with me ?


Let's step outside and settle this Mano a Mano :D

Nothing more than handbags at dawn :hihi:

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