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UKIP - What a joke..

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If those are the people labour is meant to target then I'd rather see it die on it's arse than accommodate them.


I think that's what the left, corbyn, snowflakes, liberal, sjw's are actively trying to do.


Destroy labour and then they'll just slide back to the socialist green liberal party

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I think that's what the left, corbyn, snowflakes, liberal, sjw's are actively trying to do.


Destroy labour and then they'll just slide back to the socialist green liberal party


Good, because then I'll have a party I believe in and support. If the working class people who traditionally supported Labour don't believe that this Labour party represents them then they can find another party who does, like I have done up till now having voted Green where I had a candidate to vote for. Now Labour align fairly closely with my beliefs so I'll support them unless they go back to Blairite politics and I shall return to the Green party. To be honest, I'm pretty close to going back to the Greens anyway as I no longer have confidence in Corbyn's ability to run the party, I fully support his ideas and stance but either he's a liability and has made some awful decisions of late.

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The vast majority of the working class are prejudiced people.

This has always been the case.

However, these prejudices come not from animosity, but from ignorance.

This is why strong leadership is required, from Unions and especially from the Labour Party.

This currently is not forthcoming.


The aforementioned 'newspapers' are being used to feed underlying prejudices and manipulate the workers, in ways which are not favourable to them.


As has been said, the only papers you ever seen in cafes, snap cabins, canteens, etc are the Sun, Mail, Star, and Express.

It is difficult to encourage people to see the error of their ways when they are being indoctrinated on a daily basis.


This is not new, it has been going on since the dawn of time.

A classic example of trying to convince working men is shown in The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. A book that should be available in works canteens everywhere.

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Good, because then I'll have a party I believe in and support. If the working class people who traditionally supported Labour don't believe that this Labour party represents them then they can find another party who does, like I have done up till now having voted Green where I had a candidate to vote for. Now Labour align fairly closely with my beliefs so I'll support them unless they go back to Blairite politics and I shall return to the Green party. To be honest, I'm pretty close to going back to the Greens anyway as I no longer have confidence in Corbyn's ability to run the party, I fully support his ideas and stance but either he's a liability and has made some awful decisions of late.


But like most Liberals who only think about themselves. Not looking at the bigger picture.


Referencing Star Wars....




By destroying labour the left have made the tories more powerful than ever and have single handedly tore apart the only party that was strong enough to oppose the conservatives.


And UKIP will become the second strongest party for the next decade.


Well done. Have a Vegan cake as a reward :loopy:


---------- Post added 10-04-2017 at 10:28 ----------


The vast majority of the working class are prejudiced people.

This has always been the case.

However, these prejudices come not from animosity, but from ignorance.

This is why strong leadership is required, from Unions and especially from the Labour Party.

This currently is not forthcoming.


The aforementioned 'newspapers' are being used to feed underlying prejudices and manipulate the workers, in ways which are not favourable to them.


As has been said, the only papers you ever seen in cafes, snap cabins, canteens, etc are the Sun, Mail, Star, and Express.

It is difficult to encourage people to see the error of their ways when they are being indoctrinated on a daily basis.


This is not new, it has been going on since the dawn of time.

A classic example of trying to convince working men is shown in The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. A book that should be available in works canteens everywhere.


The working classes are the ones closest to poverty.


Generally ignored by people like yourself. Social media has enabled everyone to be able to voice their opinions equally.


After the banking crisis in 2008. No one went to prison and nothing changed. People who lost their jobs, homes and dignity have had enough.


At least they stick their guns, its the liberals who are just a mess of hypocrites.


Anti-government protesters taking the side of a conservative government who didnt want Brexit.


Anti-capitalists who sided with big businesses to stay in the bureaucratic unelected EU.


So funny :D

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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Not meaning to be offensive Skyline but it's really difficult to have a sensible discussion with someone who writes such ridiculous stuff. In my opinion


---------- Post added 10-04-2017 at 09:31 ----------


Just to qualify my comment, I was referring to the top paragraph in your response above



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Not meaning to be offensive Skyline but it's really difficult to have a sensible discussion with someone who writes such ridiculous stuff. In my opinion


---------- Post added 10-04-2017 at 09:31 ----------


Just to qualify my comment, I was referring to the top paragraph in your response above




Your entitled to your opinion but why bother post a comment saying you cant be bothered to comment.


Just seems a waste of your time.

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But like most Liberals who only think about themselves. Not looking at the bigger picture.


The working classes are the ones closest to poverty.


Generally ignored by people like yourself.


I am working class, I have been an engineer all my working life.

You don't have to be living in poverty to be a working class socialist, you know.

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But like most Liberals who only think about themselves. Not looking at the bigger picture.


Referencing Star Wars....




By destroying labour the left have made the tories more powerful than ever and have single handedly tore apart the only party that was strong enough to oppose the conservatives.


And UKIP will become the second strongest party for the next decade.


Well done. Have a Vegan cake as a reward :loopy:



Why 'well done' exactly? People should want to support a party that aligns with their beliefs. If that's UKIP then it's UKIP, if it's Tory then it's Tory and so on. That's how democracy works. Labour haven't been destroyed, they've changed direction like they have many times in the past and that means they no longer align with some people but align with some new people. This is politics. If enough people believe in what UKIP peddle then we'll have a UKIP government and people will have to accept that their friends and neighbours clearly align that way. I really don't understand your vitriol here and what you are getting at? The irony is that Corbyn's Labour is probably the closest to the 'best' party anyone from the 'working classes' could want, he'd increase your wages, give you more job protection, give more money to schools and hospitals etc. It's the right wing media that is making people believe that socialism isn't going to benefit them. There's an argument that Corbyn's politics would make it harder for businesses to make profit therefore they'd leave the UK but I highly doubt most people who have an issue with Labour at the moment dislike them because of that.


We are all a product of our environment, we are all misled by the media, we all have confirmation bias, we all have more friends who we 'align' with in our beliefs, life goals and morals than friends who do not, so we all live in a blinkered world and perhaps my view of Corbyn genuinely offering a better vision for the working classes in Britain is wrong and misguided, but the UKIP answer of stopping immigration isn't a golden bullet either.


I am looking at the bigger picture, and I STRONGLY believe that socialism is the right way forward for the future of this country and that if people could be persuaded to look beyond the Daily Mail and the Sun that perhaps they'd see that too. If I am wrong and people end up voting in UKIP because of Labour heading more socialist then so be it.

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