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PAUL BLOMFIELD is he really serious?? parliament move to Sheffield!

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It is the centrepoint of the nation and it has a big, useless building that can be converted quite easily. I for one am pleased he is sticking his neck out for the city.


Really?????? its the centrepoint of the nation??? which big building is that then?? and at what cost to convert:loopy: as for infrastructure Sheffiedls city scene is about as up to date as a market town, we have barely any decent restaurants, the road system is all over the place, we have no airport, no decent rail station compared to leeds or manchester.

we barely coped with the tour de france never mind the whole of Parliament:huh::roll:

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Parliament and alot of the civil service should be moved out of London, there's no pressing 'need' for it to all be down there and the potential savings from re-locating to a cheaper city must be absolutely huge!!


It would open up the palace of Westminster to be open public space and tourist destination.


---------- Post added 07-10-2016 at 11:47 ----------


and at what cost to convert


The refurbishment job in Westminster is over £10bn IIRC.

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It's an interesting concept. Just raising the idea might make loads of MPs and senior civil servants think about the massive gulf between the resources and facilities of 'provincial cities' relative to London and the South East. "I can't move there because it's full of plebs".


For that reason it'll never happen. Too far from the gentleman's clubs, the law courts and the City. More likely to move to a warehouse on some wasteground in Dagenham or similar.

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Guest makapaka
on the news this morning Sheffield MP has proposed that Parliament moves to Sheffield when the the commons and the rest of parliament is refurbished :loopy::loopy: what is the man on? Sheffield is hardly the centrepoint of politics is it and it doesnt have the infrastructure even to house the cleaners for Parliament. the mans delusional::hihi:



Absolutely we should try.


Else we can do nothing then moan when it goes to Manchester or Leeds with all the accompanying fanfare.

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It is the centrepoint of the nation and it has a big, useless building that can be converted quite easily. I for one am pleased he is sticking his neck out for the city.



Which big useless building are you thinking of?

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Originally Posted by tzijlstra


It is the centrepoint of the nation and it has a big, useless building that can be converted quite easily. I for one am pleased he is sticking his neck out for the city.


I suspect the demos that accompanied the Libdem conference when Clegg had the idea of moving that to Sheffield will ensure that no party conferences or meetings of the uk parliament ever come to Sheffield in the future.


If demos had any bearing on where party conferences were held, they'd all be on the moon.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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