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Raven pub off West Street?

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A mate of mine shown me an old photo of a pub called the ' Raven' he thinks it was off West Street but wouldn't a gamble a pint on that. The building itself has a central door each side of that has bow Windows ,two storeys not really a big building shops of either side. :help:

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I was a regular at the Raven when Lol was the land lord , There was a boxing ring up stairs where a few rows where sorted out between the Town lads .

Lols daughter was a very attractive lass whom I tried to date on many occasions but i always got the K.B.

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In later years the ' Raven' became ' O' Hagan's so I'm guessing it fell victim to Irish theme mania that happened in the 1990s . Another interesting thing about this pub it had a bakery so it was possible to buy a pint and a loaf of bread .

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