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Trump / Clinton 2nd Presidential Debate

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Which of those polls show he should win by a landslide?

Why should he win by a landslide?

The one by Benenson Strategy Group commissioned by the DNC


None of them.



---------- Post added 21-10-2016 at 23:54 ----------


Absolutely no chance.


No chance at all.


And you know that how?

Edited by rinzwind
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The one by Benenson Strategy Group commissioned by the DNC


---------- Post added 21-10-2016 at 23:54 ----------



And you know that how?



Ahhh good old superstation 95. Even it doesnt claim the report is real.

Thats what happens when you just google anything off the internet or youtube.



Clearly Donald has nothing to worry about then and he is going to win by the biggest margin in a prsidential election ever with 77% of the vote.


Btw your first link was nonsensical and irrelevant to the point you claimed.

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Ahhh good old superstation 95. Even it doesnt claim the report is real.

Thats what happens when you just google anything off the internet or youtube.


Fair enough. I can't recall where I first read that story and googling for it just now came up with SS95 who I'll admit I've never heard of either. They may be unreliable.


That's what happens when you don't check all of your sources carefully before posting them on forums. It's not what happens by default when you use the internet. I don't think you could find anything else I've posted that would be unreliable. If you can then I will be more than happy to agree with you. The internet has a way of filtering out this false information as you just demonstrated.


Nevertheless I still maintain that my original statement was accurate. Trump should be winning by a landslide. Without massive media bias, false allegations of sexual misconduct and Hillary's protection from prosecution, Trump would be a mile ahead. I stand by this.


Btw your first link was nonsensical and irrelevant to the point you claimed.


My point was that Trump does not believe he has lost. He is a long way from throwing in the towel. Polling figures change daily and Trump is ahead in many states.

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Ahhh good old superstation 95. Even it doesnt claim the report is real.

Thats what happens when you just google anything off the internet or youtube.



Clearly Donald has nothing to worry about then and he is going to win by the biggest margin in a prsidential election ever with 77% of the vote.


Btw your first link was nonsensical and irrelevant to the point you claimed.


Even the pundits are saying it's too close to call. And there are loads of Trump supporters who won't admit to voting for Trump apparently, so it's anyone's guess.


This is Brexit all over again, and look what happened there.


Polls eh...

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Even the pundits are saying it's too close to call. And there are loads of Trump supporters who won't admit to voting for Trump apparently, so it's anyone's guess.


This is Brexit all over again, and look what happened there.


Polls eh...


Which pundits are those?


The polls at least show a consistent lead for Clinton at the moment, they are the best thing we have to go on at the moment. Still 2.5 weeks to go. Still time for events, but id think Trump is significantly behind at the moment.

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As far as I can recall, of my many predictions over the years, I can only ever remember getting three spectacularly wrong. :hihi:


I'm just trusting my judgement :D


(even though I know that this isn't allowed in here anymore)


Well we can only wait and see. As Anna just pointed out, pollsters have been wrong before and the Media is doing everything they can to help Clinton. They wouldn't be compromising their integrity (lol) if Trump had no chance.

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Well we can only wait and see. As Anna just pointed out, pollsters have been wrong before and the Media is doing everything they can to help Clinton. They wouldn't be compromising their integrity (lol) like that if Trump had no chance.


But he's losing because of things he's said. Not because of things he said 10 years ago in private, not because he allegedly forced himself on women, but because of what's he's said in debates and in auditoriums full of sycophantic nutjobs. I don't need the media to colour my view. He's a head case. I'm not alone in that thinking.

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But he's losing because of things he's said. Not because of things he said 10 years ago in private, not because he allegedly forced himself on women, but because of what's he's said in debates and in auditoriums full of sycophantic nutjobs. I don't need the media to colour my view. He's a head case. I'm not alone in that thinking.


You have no way of knowing why he is losing. You cannot say if it's because of false allegations of misogyny repeated ad nausium in the media or if it's because he says he will work with the Russians after they have been demonized ad nausium in the media. I doubt you would actually know anything about Trump were it not for the media. Have you attended any of his rallies?


I'm not even going to dispute whether he's a head case as you put it. He certainly wouldn't be my first choice. The only thing I know for sure is he's a lot better than Hilary Clinton who is not only a criminal and ineligible for the position, but who's stated policy of a no-fly-zone (aka: bombing campaign) would lead to large numbers of civilian deaths (according to her).


She would also put her own citizens lives at risk by shooting down Russian planes and her policy would almost certainly

which would put all of our lives at risk here in Sheffield. For what? To help some Islamist rebels in Syria? To my mind that makes her even more of a head case than him and I'm not alone in that thinking either. Edited by rinzwind
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