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'Locker Room Banter'

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This phrase has been used by Trump to shrug off the recently released video in which he makes a string of lewd comments about women.


I think he is doing a disservice to locker rooms. In the gym I go to, I never speak to other people in the locker room, let alone engage in banter with them, In fact, there seems to be an unwritten rule to avoid eye contact with other men in the locker room, let alone speak to them.


Moreover, I have never to the best of my recollection engaged in lewd 'locker room banter' during my working life or for that matter in my social life. Perhaps the nearest I came to it was when I worked on a building site when I was a student and even then all the men seemed to do was whistle girls as they walked past - uncalled for yes, but nothing as crude and vulgar as what Trump said in the video.


Perhaps I have lived a sheltered life, or perhaps I have visited the wrong locker rooms.

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You'd need a fairly stacked wallet to visit the same locker rooms as Trump thats for sure!


Personally I wouldn't be surprised if his tax returns magically leak online a week or so before election day, I think the Clinton campaign have plenty of dirt on Trump and they're letting it trickle out bit by bit.

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Go out drinking with a group of American working class men and you'll get the idea. I've taken various customers out for drinks before working in the US, all in the aim of business of course, and it's eye opening how the average white American male sees ethnic minorities and women. It's like they never left the 1950s once they've had some booze down them.


I've not been in a public gym in the US, but the testosterone fuelled 'lads talk' that happens between certain guys out of female earshot you get over here in gyms must be so much worse over there.

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You'd need a fairly stacked wallet to visit the same locker rooms as Trump thats for sure!


Personally I wouldn't be surprised if his tax returns magically leak online a week or so before election day, I think the Clinton campaign have plenty of dirt on Trump and they're letting it trickle out bit by bit.


He will never release his tax returns. I think it is pretty clear now that he has not paid any federal income tax for many years. If elected president, he would be in charge of federal spending even though he would have not contributed a time in income tax to the federal budget.


Moreover, there is a big question mark over his donations to charity, which many believe amount to far less than he has claimed.

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Out of earshot people say all sorts of outrageous things that they would be ashamed of if known. It's a kind of release.


I'm not excusing Trump, he's awful, but he's said enough outrageous things up front without worrying too much about what he's said in private. It's par for the course with him.

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I've been in changing rooms from football and cricket and the language can get fruity. But whilst I've heard tales of last nights conquests (and this from younger lads - not middle aged men) I've not heard anyone talk about walking up to women and grabbing them by their sex parts.

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I've been in changing rooms from football and cricket and the language can get fruity. But whilst I've heard tales of last nights conquests (and this from younger lads - not middle aged men) I've not heard anyone talk about walking up to women and grabbing them by their sex parts.


Yeah, it's youthful hi-jinx bants. Trump was only 59 at the time...

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Trump is an absolute digrace..


Not only is he offensive to women and has said the most disgusting things but he is also offensive to good decent men.. To make light of what he has said by saying it is 'locker room banter' suggest that all men in locker rooms behave like this and that isnt true..


I hope this pantomine ends soon.. It's becoming a joke.

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