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.........I personally don't think you can shove a fag paper between the Clintons and the Trumps in terms of deviousness,it just depends what level of morality and political correctness you purport to align yourself to.


Wouldn't it be marvellous of the other guy wins? I don't know his name, what his party is called or what his views are because I know he won't and I can't be bothered to look it up...but it would be funny if he did.

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Trump said he grabbed women by their genitals without consent. To call this lewd comment is to deliberately ignore what he was describing. This is not lewd comment - this is sexual assault of women - which is not just morally repugnant but a crime.


Just describing what he said in the same way the press and news described it, and assuming he did what he claimed, my experience leaves me with the opinion that a punch in the face is worse.

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Just describing what he said in the same way the press and news described it, and assuming he did what he claimed, my experience leaves me with the opinion that a punch in the face is worse.


Given this is SF I am slightly surprised that no one has said


The old git said that about your wife (assuming you are a man) or your sister / mother or daughter ?


You should listen to the recording - and can I ask if a punch in the mush is equal in your eyes to the sexual assault on another mans wife / daughter / sister / mother ?

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Given this is SF I am slightly surprised that no one has said


The old git said that about your wife (assuming you are a man) or your sister / mother or daughter ?


You should listen to the recording - and can I ask if a punch in the mush is equal in your eyes to the sexual assault on another mans wife / daughter / sister / mother ?


People are generally smacked for a reason. Sexual assault is unprovoked. I cannot fathom the logic displayed above by Petminder.

Edited by Santo
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I think you've got it all confused, my friends are not unpleasant nor violent.

And I've no idea why you think they cycle, that's just lazy thinking.


The fact is that saying you've sexually assaulted many women deserves an appropriate response, perhaps you think that response is a chuckle or a slap on the back, I disagree.


If I said it, my friends would say "shut up you k***", "Stop being stupid", "no you didn't". If it happenned to be true, which it isn't and wouldn't be, then perhaps they'd ostracise me, but they're not so unpleasant as to hit me, like you think yours would (like you expected them to in your post).

I dislike people who think violence is the answer.


I was merely speculating about your friends, and a reason why they might be prone to violence?

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I'd like to know which world you live in where you think Trump is the better candidate of the 2? Are you blind? Deaf? Ignorant?

I'm far from a Hilary fan, she's an awful candidate, but if the choice is her or Trump then clearly no contest...


The world in which sexual assault victims have been ignored and abused, it's claimed that Hillary threatened and smeared her husbands victims and there's her total disregard for national security and the rule of law.

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