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'Locker Room Banter'

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Well given that it was my face that we were talking about, if I come out with vile comments like Trump, then I'll be happy to have my face punched. I hope that's okay with you.


Personally I consider sexual assault to be a worse crime than common assault, and given the possible sentences, so does the law.


---------- Post added 13-10-2016 at 07:27 ----------



Is this the level of your debate. Make personal attacks. :huh: Good one.

Like I said, if you think a punch in the face is more pleasant than a kiss and grope then you probably haven't endured either of them. A punch to the face can kill, but violent people don't care or consider the consequences of their violence, they just lash out without thinking. You condemn someone over the words they speak but support violence, in my opinion that makes you worse than the people speaking the words you don't like.

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Footage has now emerged of Trump sexualising a 10 year old girl and he is being accused of raping a 13 year old, which let's be honest doesn't seem far fetched given what we know about him. It's starting to feel a bit Jimmy Savile isn't it?


**he whose name should not be spoken klaxon***


Might be a bit early for that but I take you point. This report isn't going to help though http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37639839

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Speaking of Donald Trump and the locker room....

An artist and sculptor have each imagined him as their muse. Both working separately, at different times, and, as far as I'm aware, have never met.

And yet....Both pieces of art have one (very) small thing in common. Can you spot what it is?








Have you spotted it? :)

That they've both been overly generous in their depiction of his trouser department?

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**he whose name should not be spoken klaxon***


Might be a bit early for that but I take you point. This report isn't going to help though http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37639839


I'm not saying he's definitely comparable, but I'm saying he might be and that anyone who refuses to accept that he might be has learned nothing from the Savile scandal. It's possible that he's a serial paedophile; it's even more likely that he's a serial sexual abuser of adult women. Let's recap the similarities between Trump and Savile:


  • Rumours and accusations over a long period without being proven - check
  • Wealth, status and celebrity which make it more likely that he and not his accusers will be believed - check
  • Reckless predatory sexual behaviour based on a belief in immunity from being caught - check
  • Access to large numbers of girls and women - check
  • Sexualised comments about underage girls made on camera - check
  • Does a lot for charidee - check


Not proof of course, but a reason for concern and for cynicism.

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I'm not saying he's definitely comparable, but I'm saying he might be and that anyone who refuses to accept that he might be has learned nothing from the Savile scandal. It's possible that he's a serial paedophile; it's even more likely that he's a serial sexual abuser of adult women. Let's recap the similarities between Trump and Savile:


  • Rumours and accusations over a long period without being proven - check
  • Wealth, status and celebrity which make it more likely that he and not his accusers will be believed - check
  • Reckless predatory sexual behaviour based on a belief in immunity from being caught - check
  • Access to large numbers of girls and women - check
  • Sexualised comments about underage girls made on camera - check
  • Does a lot for charidee - check


Not proof of course, but a reason for concern and for cynicism.


Wasn't the remark about the 10 year old a joke at his own expense? Because of the rumours about his womanising? I'm no fan of his, believe me, but I don't think he was sexualising her. I think that comment might have been stripped of any and all context. Or was he hiding in plain site??


At last count 4 women have now come forward saying he groped them. As I suspected would happen when the tape leaked.

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Like I said, if you think a punch in the face is more pleasant than a kiss and grope then you probably haven't endured either of them.

Someones leaping to conclusions here.


So, back on topic, it's coming out that it wasn't just "locker room banter" he is alleged by quite a few people now to have actually sexually assaulted them.


Since you seem to have entirely missed the point about expecting my friends to punch me if I said I'd sexually assaulted someone, I'll try to say it more plainly. It's not 'lads banter' that anyone I know would find acceptable. They would be horrified (as would I). It's not a joke, it's not banter, it's not in the slightest amusing and if it were said seriously I would expect a response on an appropriate level to the seriousness of what had just been claimed (perhaps a more mature response would be to report it to the police, since you seem so focussed on the 'punch in the gob' and how this is worse than sexual assault).

Edited by Cyclone
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