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'Locker Room Banter'

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lets keep on topic rather than popping at each other.


To me the tape was just a man boasting in really bad taste, someone who should have known better. I like to think that the ladies that have come forward later,should have made their first port of call the police.

The release of the tape was undoubtedly politically motivated (which Trump has only himself to blame), they had been held for some time by the Clinton supporting media. On the other hand Clinton was impeached for his proven sexual abuse,Hillary stood by him and engaged into trying to discredit the ladies that had been abused.


So who is the worst, to my mind I can only wonder at the pressure the abused ladies that worked in the White House had to endure from the President and the First Lady, both physically and mentally.


Agree a man boasting (he was boasting about his own actions) of sexually assaulting women and who wants to be president of the USA. You make a good apologist though.

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Agree a man boasting (he was boasting about his own actions) of sexually assaulting women and who wants to be president of the USA. You make a good apologist though.


where was the apology, and why is you statement more of a person statement of another here, does not lift the debate.

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I've managed to stay out of this quagmire of a thread up til now, but I'm getting very, very sick of this repeated statement.


When I was about 12 my father insisted on supervising me showering. He made me wash between my legs 3 times, saying I hadn't done it properly, then said I still hadn't done it right and did it himself, with a strange expression on his face which just scared me at the time but I was later able to identify as sexually aroused.


That same year (again, I think) the school bully punched me in the face and gave me a bad nosebleed which bled on and off for a couple of days.


Are you really saying that I should have found the second experience worse than the first? Because that's definitely not the case. That's possibly not even the worst sexual assault of my life - there was also an assault when I was 18, and a woman I had thought of as a friend locked me in her boyfriend's bedroom (her boyfriend was there) and repeatedly sexually assaulted me despite me saying no several times and trying to get out of there any way I could think of.


I am so, so sick of people telling me that experiences like that are my fault (especially the earlier one when I was just a kid, for some reason) or that they're no big deal and being groped never hurt anybody. Sexual assault does damage people, even kill. I'm still here but I've known a couple of other victims who aren't any more - including one girl who comitted suicide aged just 15 after being repeatedly molested by a teacher.


If you would really rather be sexually assaulted than punched by any man you know - including family members, teachers and bosses (let's not forget, Trump is essentially the boss of a lot of women) - then that's fine. But it's not the choice everyone should make and it's not crazy to have a different opinion to you.


What you describe is entirely different to what Trump said and is accused of.


I know someone that died from one punch to the face, I know plenty of women including me that have been kissed and touched without first giving permission, I accept that some women don't like to be touched or kissed but please don't think it is the majority and please don't compare it to a violent attack.

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What you describe is entirely different to what Trump said and is accused of.


I know someone that died from one punch to the face, I know plenty of women including me that have been kissed and touched without first giving permission, I accept that some women don't like to be touched or kissed but please don't think it is the majority and please don't compare it to a violent attack.


No, actually it's very similar to what Trump's accused of. Jill Harth (in 1997, in a federal lawsuit) accused Trump of an attack which is very similar to the one which happened when I was 18.


"Trump forcefully removed (Harth) from public areas of Mar-A-Lago in Florida and forced (her) into a bedroom belonging to defendant’s daughter Ivanka, wherein (Trump) forcibly kissed, fondled, and restrained (her) from leaving, against (her) will and despite her protests.” In the court document, she said that Trump bragged that he ”would be the best lover you ever have.”"


Even if it was totally different to what Trump's been accused of, you made a blanket statement that all sexual assault was worse than punching someone in the face. Not just the sexual assault Trump's been accused of, though you don't seem to be aware of exactly what that is.

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No, actually it's very similar to what Trump's accused of. Jill Harth (in 1997, in a federal lawsuit) accused Trump of an attack which is very similar to the one which happened when I was 18.


"Trump forcefully removed (Harth) from public areas of Mar-A-Lago in Florida and forced (her) into a bedroom belonging to defendant’s daughter Ivanka, wherein (Trump) forcibly kissed, fondled, and restrained (her) from leaving, against (her) will and despite her protests.” In the court document, she said that Trump bragged that he ”would be the best lover you ever have.”"


Even if it was totally different to what Trump's been accused of, you made a blanket statement that all sexual assault was worse than punching someone in the face. Not just the sexual assault Trump's been accused of, though you don't seem to be aware of exactly what that is.


So Trump has got a conviction for sexual abuse ?

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No, actually it's very similar to what Trump's accused of. Jill Harth (in 1997, in a federal lawsuit) accused Trump of an attack which is very similar to the one which happened when I was 18.


"Trump forcefully removed (Harth) from public areas of Mar-A-Lago in Florida and forced (her) into a bedroom belonging to defendant’s daughter Ivanka, wherein (Trump) forcibly kissed, fondled, and restrained (her) from leaving, against (her) will and despite her protests.” In the court document, she said that Trump bragged that he ”would be the best lover you ever have.”"


Even if it was totally different to what Trump's been accused of, you made a blanket statement that all sexual assault was worse than punching someone in the face. Not just the sexual assault Trump's been accused of, though you don't seem to be aware of exactly what that is.


No I did not, none of my posts contain the words sexual assault, I have said from experience a punch to the face is worse than being kissed and touched.

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No I did not, none of my posts contain the words sexual assault, I have said from experience a punch to the face is worse than being kissed and touched.


Yes, and unwanted kissing and touching is sexual assault. Nothing else is. Not penetration with a penis, that's rape. Penetration with fingers is sexual assault, that's another form of touching.


I'm sick of people minimising other people's horrible experiences with 'well it's just kissing and touching, and a man I fancied did that to me without asking and I was totally up for it, so no-one ever gets to complain about it'

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How do you know what he has or hasn't done, he said he would and that is why I would feel safer with someone like Trump than Cyclone, I can deal with touchy feely men, but I would rather avoid violent men.


Are you likely to brag about sexual assault? Because that was the criteria for "a punch in the gob". All banter of course, unlike DT.


---------- Post added 21-10-2016 at 23:12 ----------


What you describe is entirely different to what Trump said and is accused of.


I know someone that died from one punch to the face, I know plenty of women including me that have been kissed and touched without first giving permission, I accept that some women don't like to be touched or kissed but please don't think it is the majority and please don't compare it to a violent attack.


Notice how you've toned down what he said to merely "touched" now.


It was actually "grab them by the p*****" I believe...

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Are you likely to brag about sexual assault? Because that was the criteria for "a punch in the gob". All banter of course, unlike DT.


---------- Post added 21-10-2016 at 23:12 ----------



Notice how you've toned down what he said to merely "touched" now.


It was actually "grab them by the p*****" I believe...


But still safer with Trump than you, he might grab my p*****, but you might break my jaw, bust my nose, give me brain damage or kill me when you punch me in the face.

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Or I might just talk about giving you a sore lip for claiming that you sexually assault people. Is that something you claim regularly? Because in case you forgot, that was the trigger for my banter.


It's still outrageous how you're prepared to right off what DT said as "banter" when he claimed that he actually did it. Yet you seem convinced that I would punch you, when I've never made a claim to have punched anyone (well, except in training, where I can tell you that I've never managed to break a jaw, cause brain damage or kill anyone. I'll own up to causing a bloody nose, and having a bloody nose)...


It's almost irrelevant that you have this skewed view about which is worse, based on a set of very unlikely outcomes for assault. The key thing is that you're continuing to try to downplay the claimed sexual assault by DT, and instead create a smokescreen from a throwaway bit of forum banter.

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