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'Locker Room Banter'

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Nobody mentioned a disagreement, you're just making things up again.


On the other hand, you have quite clearly tried to trivialise and normalise sexual assault, dismissed the claims made by DT and then ignored the accusations from women about his behaviour.


You're also conveniently ignoring this now.


I retract what I said. If a friend of mine made a claim to have sexually assaulted someone I'd report it to the police. I wouldn't punch them, that was just banter. I might want to punch them, I might think that they deserve it, but I think the police would be a better option.

Can we now focus on why you are an apologist for sexual assault?

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Nobody mentioned a disagreement, you're just making things up again.


On the other hand, you have quite clearly tried to trivialise and normalise sexual assault, dismissed the claims made by DT and then ignored the accusations from women about his behaviour.


You're also conveniently ignoring this now.



Its the first time I've seen that, so I didn't ignore it, it does prove though that people exaggerate and lie without relay thinking about it, the question now is was your first statement a lie or is your retraction a lie.


I will quote my first post on the subject.


The choice of president is a man that was privately disrespectful to women and a women that verbally attacked her husbands victims and is careless with sensitive and top secret information. I don't envy the American people with such a poor choice of candidates.


If everything said about Trump is true and everything said about Clinton is true then Trump is the better of the 2 very poor choices.

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You're entitled to that opinion about the two candidates.


You should check up the definition of lie, you've been doing it, I haven't.


But since none of my friends will ever brag about sexually assaulting anyone, even I will never find out what my reaction would actually be.

I do hope that if I bragged about such a thing, one of them would punch me though.

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You're entitled to that opinion about the two candidates.


You should check up the definition of lie, you've been doing it, I haven't.


But since none of my friends will ever brag about sexually assaulting anyone, even I will never find out what my reaction would actually be.

I do hope that if I bragged about such a thing, one of them would punch me though.


Untruth, when you said all the other men would smack them in the Gob it must have been an untruth if your retraction is to be believed. One or the other was a lie, they both can't be true.

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So you think that getting something wrong is the same as lying?

Lying is a deliberate misrepresentation. I can't control the behaviour of other people, so at best I can try to predict what they will do.

You should also look up hyperbole whilst you're checking words.


I'll save you the effort in fact





exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.


Did you take something literally when you shouldn't have...


Was DT engaging in hyperbole, well it seems not, because multiple women are confirming that he does indeed sexually assault women.

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So you think that getting something wrong is the same as lying?

Lying is a deliberate misrepresentation. I can't control the behaviour of other people, so at best I can try to predict what they will do.

You should also look up hyperbole whilst you're checking words.


I'll save you the effort in fact




Did you take something literally when you shouldn't have...


Was DT engaging in hyperbole, well it seems not, because multiple women are confirming that he does indeed sexually assault women.


So you are now saying that you don't know yourself or your friends, you thought that you and they would all punch someone in the Gob, but now you don't think they would.


Multiple women are making allegations that fit in with what he said, if multiple men said you had smacked them in the Gob would that be proof that you had smacked them in the gob?

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So you are now saying that you don't know yourself or your friends, you thought that you and they would all punch someone in the Gob, but now you don't think they would.

You think that you can predict the behaviour of your friends with 100% accuracy?


And did you miss the definition of hyperbole?


Multiple women are making allegations that fit in with what he said, if multiple men said you had smacked them in the Gob would that be proof that you had smacked them in the gob?

It would certainly be suggestive wouldn't it. The statements of multiple people, would normally be sufficient evidence to start an investigation. Of course if it turned out that I had alibi's then they'd probably be prosecuted for wasting police time or perjury, which ought to reduce the risk of false accusations.

Of course I've never punched anyone except in self defence, because nobody has ever told me that they sexually assault women (and see earlier hyperbole reference).

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I don't like the idea of broadcasting what one accuser says in the hope of finding more accusers, or accusing someone years after the fact and only after their private banter is broadcast on the news.


Now if all these women had reported him completely independent of each other and prior to him campaigning to be president I would think their claims would warrant an investigation.

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