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'Locker Room Banter'

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The fact that he used his celebrity to grope and molest these women is a "Power" thing .Just imagine what would have happened had it been what I class as an ordinary bloke doing something similar.

His apology just rolled of his tongue .He had to say it as a matter of course.But lets face it,was there any sincerity? I personally didn`t see it or hear it.

Listening to some of the people being interviewed on the afternoon news made me even question their mind set when asked their comments about what was said.

How could any self respecting woman consider voting for such an odious lowlife!!


I find it even harder to understand how the hell he got this far.Even worse is the fact that this guy may go all the way which scares the S**T out of me.I just would not wish to consider that this guy could have the authority to use a "NUKE" should he win.

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This phrase has been used by Trump to shrug off the recently released video in which he makes a string of lewd comments about women.


I think he is doing a disservice to locker rooms. In the gym I go to, I never speak to other people in the locker room, let alone engage in banter with them, In fact, there seems to be an unwritten rule to avoid eye contact with other men in the locker room, let alone speak to them.


Moreover, I have never to the best of my recollection engaged in lewd 'locker room banter' during my working life or for that matter in my social life. Perhaps the nearest I came to it was when I worked on a building site when I was a student and even then all the men seemed to do was whistle girls as they walked past - uncalled for yes, but nothing as crude and vulgar as what Trump said in the video.


Perhaps I have lived a sheltered life, or perhaps I have visited the wrong locker rooms.


I have played individual sports, and agree with the above, perhaps its those nasty football players that have this banter?

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You don't need to go to a locker room. I was eating at The Peddler Market on Saturday and a lad sat alongside me on the bench was mouthing off to his mates (male and female) in graphic detail about various conquests. I'm afraid it is all part of the lowering of standards these days.



Not really - I could go back 20 years and potentially have a similar conversation with my mates and women (pick up a copy of More magazine - is that still going? Even I thought some of the letters were a bit strong) could be just as bad. It might be an age thing? But we're talking of consensual sex, not feeling up a stranger.

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This phrase has been used by Trump to shrug off the recently released video in which he makes a string of lewd comments about women.


I think he is doing a disservice to locker rooms. In the gym I go to, I never speak to other people in the locker room, let alone engage in banter with them, In fact, there seems to be an unwritten rule to avoid eye contact with other men in the locker room, let alone speak to them.


Moreover, I have never to the best of my recollection engaged in lewd 'locker room banter' during my working life or for that matter in my social life. Perhaps the nearest I came to it was when I worked on a building site when I was a student and even then all the men seemed to do was whistle girls as they walked past - uncalled for yes, but nothing as crude and vulgar as what Trump said in the video.


Perhaps I have lived a sheltered life, or perhaps I have visited the wrong locker rooms.



The locker room statement was a colloquialism I guess, just a gathering of men in general I assume is what he meant.



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No it's not. Call it what it is: moron banter.


Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.


Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.


Banter is the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks; Trump was talking as in fact, as if its already happened.

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You don't need to go to a locker room. I was eating at The Peddler Market on Saturday and a lad sat alongside me on the bench was mouthing off to his mates (male and female) in graphic detail about various conquests. I'm afraid it is all part of the lowering of standards these days.


But more interesting is the leaking of Trump's tax returns. When you submit your tax returns you expect, and have a right for them to be confidential. If these confidential documents are being leaked that would be a Federal offence.


There's a big difference between "conquests" and sexual assault don't you think?

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There's a big difference between "conquests" and sexual assault don't you think?


That would suggest an abused person making a complaint but if this was just a case of some guy bigging himself up in front of his colleagues about his exploits there might not be anyone to actually complain.

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