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'Locker Room Banter'

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Indeed - I am not saying he is Presidential material (unlike Bill of course). But laddish banter is laddish banter and plenty of people do it. It becomes exaggerated with the assistance of alcohol.


---------- Post added 11-10-2016 at 13:04 ----------



Is a "bithch" a bit like a biatch with a lithp?


Sometimes like that R. J.

Edited by petemcewan
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Its not bloke banter, its people banter, women also talk dirty about men and occasionally touch men before asking for permission.


---------- Post added 11-10-2016 at 15:45 ----------



The choice of president is a man that was privately disrespectful to women and a women that verbally attacked her husbands victims and is careless with sensitive and top secret information. I don't envy the American people with such a poor choice of candidates.


---------- Post added 11-10-2016 at 15:53 ----------


Violence is much worse than Trumps comments and the threat of violence might stop the men you know from saying what they think. Its never a good idea to punch someone in the gob just for saying something you don't like.


If what trump said was true then he regularly commits sexual assault.

Personally I think that's far worse than the moderate level of violence I mentioned.


---------- Post added 12-10-2016 at 07:37 ----------


Who has made that claim ?

There is a difference between genuine disrespect and banter, sometimes the lines get crossed and sometimes people have regretted their actions and words when confronted, I am talking about bloke/lad banter generally btw.


I have just noticed the word jest in your signature Chelle, I believe that word exists for a reason ;)


Trump wasn't jesting. And the subject was sexual assault. :roll:

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This phrase has been used by Trump to shrug off the recently released video in which he makes a string of lewd comments about women.


I think he is doing a disservice to locker rooms. In the gym I go to, I never speak to other people in the locker room, let alone engage in banter with them, In fact, there seems to be an unwritten rule to avoid eye contact with other men in the locker room, let alone speak to them.


Moreover, I have never to the best of my recollection engaged in lewd 'locker room banter' during my working life or for that matter in my social life. Perhaps the nearest I came to it was when I worked on a building site when I was a student and even then all the men seemed to do was whistle girls as they walked past - uncalled for yes, but nothing as crude and vulgar as what Trump said in the video.


Perhaps I have lived a sheltered life, or perhaps I have visited the wrong locker rooms.


You've lived a sheltered life I'm afraid, also "locker room banter" or as we'd call it over here "a laugh in the changing room" is different to how you described it.

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Even evangelical Christians are deserting Trump;


"Christian leaders have attacked Donald Trump over the revelation of a lewd video tape, as poll show evangelicals are deserting the Republican nominee in disgust.


".......as his overall poll numbers plummet, it will be the loss of support from evangelical Christians - a cornerstone of Republican presidential campaigns - that will be of particular concern to the embattled Trump camp.


"According to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll, Mr Trump had only a 1-point edge over Hillary Clinton among people who identified as evangelicals, down from a massive 12-point advantage for the Republican in July".



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If what trump said was true then he regularly commits sexual assault.

Personally I think that's far worse than the moderate level of violence I mentioned.


---------- Post added 12-10-2016 at 07:37 ----------



Trump wasn't jesting. And the subject was sexual assault. :roll:


And you should learn to read, I never stated or suggested Trump was jesting did I :huh:

I was discussing general lad banter ...... do keep up :roll:

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Trump has scraped the bottom of the barrel and has lost support from his own party.

I don't think he ever had the genuine support of the Republican party. The party hierarchy thought Trump would be an early casualty in the nomination process and feared he would then stand as an Independent candidate for president. As a consequence of their concerns, they got Trump to agree he would never stand as an Independent.


The situation is similar to the Labour party and Corbyn, because initially the Labour party hierarchy never envisaged he would ever win the first leadership contest he entered.

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If what trump said was true then he regularly commits sexual assault.

Personally I think that's far worse than the moderate level of violence I mentioned.


---------- Post added 12-10-2016 at 07:37 ----------



Trump wasn't jesting. And the subject was sexual assault. :roll:


Punching someone in the face can cause serious injury or death, touching someone without consent is inappropriate and unacceptable but won't result in injury or death, its a strange world you live in when you think the former is acceptable and the latter is not.

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