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Do You Need The BBC?

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You could write to your local council and lobby them to change your refuse collection to a monthly basis. If enough people do this, and vote accordingly, then your bin collection policy could change.


No amount of letter writing to the BBC, or lobbying of MP's, will change the BBC's hugely favoured method of funding - a compulsory tax on receiving live television broadcasts. Backed up by punitive fines, a criminal record, and even a home invasion by TV licence enforcers.


Democracy might change your bin collection. Unfortunately the BBC doesn't do democracy.


I do understand why you compare the BBC to refuse collection.


The BBC is clogging up the airwaves with substandard rubbish such as 'Homes Under the Hammer' and the overpaid, underworked, wealthy BBC elite are arrogantly complacent about dumping this intellectually toxic pollution on the licence fee payer.


Quit your whingeing and go and listen to some BBC 6 Music or BBC R4, it'll do you good.

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Do you feel that low income households, whose only 'crime' is that they would like to enjoy some entertainment, should be forced by law to subsidise your viewing habits? Because that's what the BBC is doing to disadvantaged people in the UK.


Forcing the poor to pay for the viewing habits of the wealthy.


Well id prefer you to stop jumping to assumptions about my social status- How about that?


I think you are trying to speak 'for' the low income households to make your point about the BBC because you obviously hate them so much. Why don't you wait and let some of them comment on here as i'm pretty sure they will do if they are that upset with the licence fee as you are.


And if they don't- well, there is your answer if they are upset or not.

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This thread is typical of the selfishh greedy "whats in it for me" attitude that is poisioning our society.


Tell yoiu what, lets not have a TV licence and charge you £100 to listen to Radio 2 or Five live in your car (and you do) or radio Sheffield (that you all moan about constantly) instead. Is that ok?


I don't fill up my blue bin much so why can't l have a rebate on my council tax


Or I don't go to the doctors so why should l pay for the NHS


Or I don't have kids so why should I pay toward state education


Or I don't catch the bus or train so why subsidise public transport.


How many watch pirate films on the internet instead of paying to go to the pictures? But that's okay isn't it?


Lets all board the Greedy Train...

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You could write to your local council and lobby them to change your refuse collection to a monthly basis. If enough people do this, and vote accordingly, then your bin collection policy could change.


No amount of letter writing to the BBC, or lobbying of MP's, will change the BBC's hugely favoured method of funding - a compulsory tax on receiving live television broadcasts. Backed up by punitive fines, a criminal record, and even a home invasion by TV licence enforcers.


Democracy might change your bin collection. Unfortunately the BBC doesn't do democracy.


I do understand why you compare the BBC to refuse collection.


The BBC is clogging up the airwaves with substandard rubbish such as 'Homes Under the Hammer' and the overpaid, underworked, wealthy BBC elite are arrogantly complacent about dumping this intellectually toxic pollution on the licence fee payer.


All your posts focus on the so called elite. It just sounds of jealous envy because it makes you sound like an absolute failure. Why don’t you work harder to earn what you want?

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This thread is typical of the selfishh greedy "whats in it for me" attitude that is poisioning our society.


Tell yoiu what, lets not have a TV licence and charge you £100 to listen to Radio 2 or Five live in your car (and you do) or radio Sheffield (that you all moan about constantly) instead. Is that ok?


I don't fill up my blue bin much so why can't l have a rebate on my council tax


Or I don't go to the doctors so why should l pay for the NHS


Or I don't have kids so why should I pay toward state education


Or I don't catch the bus or train so why subsidise public transport.


How many watch pirate films on the internet instead of paying to go to the pictures? But that's okay isn't it?


Lets all board the Greedy Train...




Well said! :)

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This thread is typical of the selfishh greedy "whats in it for me" attitude that is poisioning our society.


This 'whats in it for me' attitude sums up the culture of corporate greed which has taken hold at the higher echelons of the modern BBC quite accurately in my view.


The BBC in 2018 is no longer a public sector broadcaster whose content is representative and reflective of society. Instead, it is a repository of the very elitism, greed, and inequality that is poisoning our society. We only have to examine the high BBC salaries, tax avoidance and the shocking number of people at the bottom of society being dragged through the courts for the non-payment of a tax which funds the BBC's highest earners to see that the BBC has helped to normalise greed and injustice in society.


And like the capitalist vultures the BBC seeks to emulate in terms of pay and conditions, it also greatly desires secrecy and both hates and fears public accountability.


Tell yoiu what, lets not have a TV licence and charge you £100 to listen to Radio 2 or Five live in your car (and you do) or radio Sheffield (that you all moan about constantly) instead. Is that ok?


No its not.


Lets not have a BBC TV licence and let the commercial sector provide the radio that the nation desires.


Many commercial rivals produce content almost indistinguishable from the programmes on BBC radio and TV. Commercial operators have proved it is possible to not just survive, but to thrive without any need for what is essentially a poll tax upon the poor.


I don't fill up my blue bin much so why can't l have a rebate on my council tax


Or I don't go to the doctors so why should l pay for the NHS


Or I don't have kids so why should I pay toward state education


Or I don't catch the bus or train so why subsidise public transport.


How many watch pirate films on the internet instead of paying to go to the pictures? But that's okay isn't it?


Lets all board the Greedy Train...


The BBC boarded the greedy train long, long ago and set a very poor example.


It is no longer a public sector broadcaster in any real sense. On the contrary, it operates as a global brand that uses the market to maximise perks and opportunities for its highest earners while enjoying a guaranteed income from a state subsidy which hurts the poorest the most.


The BBC TV licence is a flat rate, regressive tax. A burden on the poor in the same way the poll tax was.


For a single mother on benefits, it is by far the most significant form of tax that she will pay. She won't be contributing much to the NHS, to schools, or even to her own benefits. But she will definitely be contributing (under threat of a criminal record and £1,000 fine) to Gary Lineker’s £1.8 million BBC salary.

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If you had a choice to not have access to the BBC for not buying TV license would you choose it?


With current technology its possible for broadcasters to scramble channels that you do not pay for. Sky TV do it and its possible to do it on freeview too.


Im not overly keen on BBC content but if its there i will see whats on. But if i had all the Sky movies & Sports channels i would look at those too. But as i dont pay for them i dont really miss them.


Would you miss the BBC if you didnt want to pay the license fee?


Isnt it time that this option was looked at.


Not paid for a TV license in about 5 yrs. Wrote in and told them I wont be paying. Presented them with the "implied rights of access" act and they sent me a letter back saying they will inform there inspectors not to come to my property and they haven't. Simple as that, if your stupid enough to pay £145 a year then...

Edited by Total Chaos
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it recently changed to civil,not criminal for license fee evasion.The only thing the beeb do well are the David Attenbrough docs. Apart from that, i can get everything else(premier league highlights) elsewhere. Outdated,overpriced and a disgusting organisation that turned a blind eye to abuse.It is not value to the public and should be completely reformed. Why should i have to pay it when i dont use the service at all, you dont pay sky unless you use sky,i for one would be glad to see the bbc go pay per view


Can you put a link on about that change to civil law. It's just that I can't find anything on a search ?

Entirely agree with the last bit.

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