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Do You Need The BBC?

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The basic Netflix package costs half that at £5.99 although I pay £9.99 but thats because I can also stream 4k content.




I agree about the quality aspect but for me they have a vast quantity of content that I can stream when I want on my phone, tablet or TV.


But the BBC schedulers get paid large amounts of TV licence fee payers money to dictate when BBC viewers can watch BBC content! The BBC has not arrived in the 21st century yet...

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The fact is, if I use any device to watch or record live television I must legally pay the BBC TV licence fee. Or if I use the BBC iPlayer, on any device.


If I don't use the BBC iPlayer, or watch or record live television broadcasts then I don't have to pay the BBC any money.


So I can use my television(s) for purposes other than those described above and be legally licence free. Try it - give up your BBC habit and enrich your life!


I gave up watching the bbc years ago. I was sick of their one sided views and propaganda. I stopped watching main stream media not long after for similar reasons. I was happy to leave it at that but no, the bbc sent their bully boys round to try and frighten me into paying for a license.

Game on!

I waited for the next bully boy (who happened to be a women) to show up so decided to have me a little fun. I stood for ages listening to her script and threats then simply said 'No speakie English' in my best Yorkshire accent. At first she looked puzzled then carried on with the script. I let her drone on for what seemed like ages until she made another threat about fines and a criminal record so I said it again, 'No speakie English luv' with that unmistakable Yorkshire sound.

She told me to ****off before slamming my gate and walking off in a huff.

Not heard a peep since.

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The BBC is a bargain no doubt, The quality is good generally and exceptional on certain genres.

My problem is being forced to pay for it, I think it should be like Sky etc.

a choice, and I would still pay for it voluntarily.

you have a choice, dont watch it live you dont need to pay, simple


---------- Post added 04-03-2018 at 17:05 ----------


But the BBC schedulers get paid large amounts of TV licence fee payers money to dictate when BBC viewers can watch BBC content! The BBC has not arrived in the 21st century yet...

you have heard about BBC Iplayer? you can choose when to watch most things...after its been on live obviously

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Do you need the BBC? Well since an increasing number of programmes are joint collaborations between the traditional broadcasters, other investors and the streaming services maybe you do need it.


The Last Kingdom, Troy and the new Watership down are co-productions between Netflix and BBC. The individual companies probably would not have been able to make them. The BBCs Drama partners include HBO, AMC, SundanceTV, WGBH, FX, BBC America, Starz, Netflix, BBC First [in Australia], UKTV [in New Zealand], Arte [France]


Then there are the shows which are branded as Netflix original, or Amazon original but are streaming content made has been made by UK broadcasters who often dont get the credit


Channel 4s Catastrophe series 2 is shown as an "Amazon original" in the USA

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  • 4 weeks later...

In line with a Government decision to link the cost of a BBC TV Licence with inflation until early next decade, from today viewers will now have to pay £150.50 per year. This increase will not be due until a licence is due for renewal, or a new licence is needed.


This sharp rise is good news for me, as legally I don't have to pay the BBC a penny. Which means I'm saving even more money by not having a valid BBC TV licence. It's also very good news for the BBC 'talent', who will all be enjoying bumper pay rises soon.

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In line with a Government decision to link the cost of a BBC TV Licence with inflation until early next decade, from today viewers will now have to pay £150.50 per year. This increase will not be due until a licence is due for renewal, or a new licence is needed.


This sharp rise is good news for me, as legally I don't have to pay the BBC a penny. Which means I'm saving even more money by not having a valid BBC TV licence. It's also very good news for the BBC 'talent', who will all be enjoying bumper pay rises soon.


For someone who proudly does not pay it, you dont half spend a lot of energy belly aching about it on here.


We all know about this. Its a rolling increase following inflation as announced by the government over 3 years ago. Its a rise of a whole 2.4%.


Meanwhile, the national minimum wage has increased this year by a 4.7%.


Time to change the record. I really dont know why you care so much.


Allegedly, you dont watch it. Dont pay it. Dont use any of the services. Dont have any involvement with it. ......right??

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For someone who proudly does not pay it, you dont half spend a lot of energy belly aching about it on here.


We all know about this. Its a rolling increase following inflation as announced by the government over 3 years ago. Its a rise of a whole 2.4%.


Meanwhile, the national minimum wage has increased this year by a 4.7%.


Time to change the record. I really dont know why you care so much.


Allegedly, you dont watch it. Dont pay it. Dont use any of the services. Dont have any involvement with it. ......right??


I care because we are on year three of a four-year cash freeze in working age benefits, affecting almost 11 MILLION FAMILIES.


The 3% real terms cut in working age benefits in 2018-2019 is set to be by far the biggest of the four-year benefit freeze. It includes a two child limit for benefit claims , costing up to £2,780 for a family having a third child. This will affect 150,000 families.


How many disadvantaged, vulnerable people will the BBC have prosecuted, fined and even sent to prison this year for not being able to afford to pay £150.50? The vast majority of them will be women, as in previous years, that much is certain.

Edited by Car Boot
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I care because we are on year three of a four-year cash freeze in working age benefits, affecting almost 11 MILLION FAMILIES.


The 3% real terms cut in working age benefits in 2018-2019 is set to be by far the biggest of the four-year benefit freeze. It includes a two child limit for benefit claims , costing up to £2,780 for a family having a third child. This will affect 150,000 families.


And yet, you're an arch Brexiter, which is most definately going to exacerbate and extend these issues far more than was to be the case. Any hardship the need for a TV license causes is inconsequential compared to the damage Brexit and the resultant austerity are going to do.


You shoulda put that in your "despite brexit" list in the other thread :suspect:


You can add this one aswell, 100 needless deaths per day as a result of NHS staff shortages from Brexit.


I'm afraid your concern appears somewhat hollow in light of your actions.


As for the BBC, there's a reason it's respected worldwide and is more trusted as a source of news than most local news providers.


You'd think, in the age of Global Britain, there'd be a need for a well respected and trusted broadcaster that can present UK interests globally..... another example of that "joined up logic" we're getting used to from leavers these days!

Edited by Magilla
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I care because we are on year three of a four-year cash freeze in working age benefits, affecting almost 11 MILLION FAMILIES.


The 3% real terms cut in working age benefits in 2018-2019 is set to be by far the biggest of the four-year benefit freeze. It includes a two child limit for benefit claims , costing up to £2,780 for a family having a third child. This will affect 150,000 families.


How many disadvantaged, vulnerable people will the BBC have prosecuted, fined and even sent to prison this year for not being able to afford to pay £150.50? The vast majority of them will be women, as in previous years, that much is certain.

so shops should give away their products then too? as disadvantaged people cant afford them?

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