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Do You Need The BBC?

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Let's NOT turn this on its head, turn it upside down in other words. All this does is deliberately confuse the BBC, a purveyer of entertainment long past its prime, with a beloved and essential national institution such as the NHS. Or the Welfare State. Or even refuse collection! The BBC is nothing like these essential services.


Let's not pretend that it is.




If it had been left up to the BBC the British public would never have known that Jimmy Saville was a predatory paedophi!e who abused children on an industrial scale. How does that benefit the UK as a whole?


For a long time if one owned a TV then the BBC would have been watched at some point. That's not true anymore. YouTube is more popular in many households than the BBC nowadays. Despite what propaganda the BBC is pushing about how popular it is this week.


A BBC TV licence today makes as much sense as a nationally funded coffee chain.




A few years ago I would have disagreed with you. The BBC seems to exist to provide a comfortable life style for a coterie of Public School educated people with a liberal centrist viewpoint. If you’re part of this elite group you’ll be looked after and rewarded beyond what would seem fair and according to your ability, eg Lenny Henry, Steve Cougan, Victoria Koren, Andrew Marr, David Dimbleby, Polly Toynbee, David Attenborough, Sue Perkins, Stephen Fry to name a few.


The BBC fawns over the Royals and Dimbleby ( who doesn’t believe he’s from a privileged background by the way) is wheeled out to give deeply reverential tomes at Royal Weddings and Funerals etc.


Anyone who doesn’t fit within this nice cosy centrist political view like Farage and Corbyn is fair game for mockery. Although the change in tone towards Corbyn in particular given his “performance” as opposition Leader is interesting.


It’s interesting to watch the sneering snobbery of Ian Hislop on Have I Got News for You when someone from a lower order is invited onto the the show





Needs reviewing

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A few years ago I would have disagreed with you. The BBC seems to exist to provide a comfortable life style for a coterie of Public School educated people with a liberal centrist viewpoint. If you’re part of this elite group you’ll be looked after and rewarded beyond what would seem fair and according to your ability, eg Lenny Henry, Steve Cougan, Victoria Koren, Andrew Marr, David Dimbleby, Polly Toynbee, David Attenborough, Sue Perkins, Stephen Fry to name a few.


The BBC fawns over the Royals and Dimbleby ( who doesn’t believe he’s from a privileged background by the way) is wheeled out to give deeply reverential tomes at Royal Weddings and Funerals etc.


Anyone who doesn’t fit within this nice cosy centrist political view like Farage and Corbyn is fair game for mockery. Although the change in tone towards Corbyn in particular given his “performance” as opposition Leader is interesting.


It’s interesting to watch the sneering snobbery of Ian Hislop on Have I Got News for You when someone from a lower order is invited onto the the show





Needs reviewing


Itv is the same,a group of around ;12 all on breakfast onwards are rammed down our throats all day and about as much talent as 1 wogan all put together.

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BBC China editor Carrie Gracie praised for resigning over 'secretive and illegal' pay inequality.


Good thing for her she can AFFORD to take a stance like that eh. :roll:




You know that she isn't actually out of a job right? She is still working for the BBC.


Your lack of understanding or facts makes your posts pointless once again.

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BBC China editor Carrie Gracie praised for resigning over 'secretive and illegal' pay inequality.


Good thing for her she can AFFORD to take a stance like that eh. :roll:




Carrie Gracie was on a £135,000 BBC salary. The BBC offered her a rise of £45,000 (33%) but She turned it down as it would not give her equality with two comparable men in a similar BBC job. The rise offered in itself far exceeds the annual salaries of most working people in the UK.


The problem is that the majority of BBC male employee's are substantially overpaid, and the BBC considers women (of any income bracket) to be inferior to men. This belief system means that women are discriminated against by the BBC from all walks of life. From those on very high salaries who don't get paid the same as their male counterparts to those women struggling on benefits (over 70 per cent of all BBC TV licence fee prosecutions every year are made against women).


The BBC is a white male, public school educated institution. Time to close it down.

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Yes we need it. Local Radio and 5 live are worth the licence fee alone..



You are right. but would l pay for it directly if l had too? Probably not, so I would be stuck with the drivel provided by the commercial radio stations (the latest NEWS headlines provided by one such station was what Kim Kardashian was wearing to the golden globes) and end up getting most of my news from social media and sponsored news outlets.

The TV licence has to be paid, but if you divide it by the services provided works out at almost nothing compared with subscription TV

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You are right. but would l pay for it directly if l had too? Probably not, so I would be stuck with the drivel provided by the commercial radio stations (the latest NEWS headlines provided by one such station was what Kim Kardashian was wearing to the golden globes) and end up getting most of my news from social media and sponsored news outlets.

The TV licence has to be paid, but if you divide it by the services provided works out at almost nothing compared with subscription TV


What we pay is a small price... We'd miss it if it went. I never watch ITV really. Its garbage most of the time.

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You are right. but would l pay for it directly if l had too? Probably not, so I would be stuck with the drivel provided by the commercial radio stations (the latest NEWS headlines provided by one such station was what Kim Kardashian was wearing to the golden globes) and end up getting most of my news from social media and sponsored news outlets.

The TV licence has to be paid, but if you divide it by the services provided works out at almost nothing compared with subscription TV


Choice is good. Subscription TV gives me that the BBC doesn't.

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I watch very little BBC tv but listen to radio 2, 4, 5, 4 extra and 5live sports extra. Anyone who has had a long journey with nothing but commercial stations to hand will value the BBC a lot! The website is very good as well.


I never listened to BBC radio when I used to drive over 4000 miles per month. I used to watch breakfast TV on ITV but I watch the one on BBC now. I often watch Sky news so I'm wondering what is on BBC what I could not live without. I do like some of their nature programmes.

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