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Do You Need The BBC?

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And yet, you're an arch Brexiter, which is most definately going to exacerbate and extend these issues far more than was to be the case. Any hardship the need for a TV license causes is inconsequential compared to the damage Brexit and the resultant austerity are going to do.


You shoulda put that in your "despite brexit" list in the other thread :suspect:


You can add this one aswell, 100 needless deaths per day as a result of NHS staff shortages from Brexit.


I'm afraid your concern appears somewhat hollow in light of your actions.


I'm uncertain as to why you have gone off topic to personally attack me and distract from the topic under discussion?


Perhaps you don't wish the BBC TV licence fee increase to be discussed?


Or the very serious implications for those who cannot afford to pay the psychologically important and increasingly expensive amount of £150.50? Or the fact that the majority of people prosecuted by the BBC for non-payment are disadvantaged and vulnerable women?

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I'm uncertain as to why you have gone off topic to personally attack me and distract from the topic under discussion?


Yet it was you who mentioned the benefit cuts? I haven't heard a peep out of you condemning the cuts themselves, why is that?


Why aren't you upset at the plight of those 100 people who die daily as result of the NHS staff shortages Brexit has brought about?


Perhaps you don't wish the BBC TV licence fee increase to be discussed?


I'm quite happy to discuss it. I thought we were, but as usual, you seem upset at the wider ramifications of your point.


Or the very serious implications for those who cannot afford to pay the psychologically important and increasingly expensive amount of £150.50?


The "serious implications" are that it's insignificant compared to what Brexit is going to cost them.


So.. using your own logic, you must surely be on the verge of condemning Brexit as you do the BBC? ... No? :suspect:


Or the fact that the majority of people prosecuted by the BBC for non-payment are disadvantaged and vulnerable women?


Debunked several times already in this thread... try harder!

Edited by Magilla
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so shops should give away their products then too? as disadvantaged people cant afford them?


If shops beamed their products into peoples homes, as the BBC does with its live television transmissions, then they might demand payment whether people actually use them or not. Just as the BBC does. But shops don't, so the comparison is ridiculous.


The BBC could have digitally scrambled it's broadcasts (to ensure only those who had paid for its services were able to receive them) decades ago. But chose not to.


The BBC TV licence fee is the most regressive tax in the UK, which hurts the poorest the most. The majority of whom, according to the BBC, are women.


---------- Post added 02-04-2018 at 13:24 ----------


Debunked several times already in this thread... try harder!


Gender disparity in BBC TV licence fee prosecutions debunked?


By whom?


The BBC and TV Licensing themselves have provided the information which reveals that women are massively overrepresented in proportion to men when it comes to BBC TV licence fee prosecutions and convictions.


Perhaps you feel that a ratio of 71% women to 29% men in BBC TV Licensing prosecutions is a wonderful example of sexual equality in the 21st century? :help:

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If shops beamed their products into peoples homes, as the BBC does with its live television transmissions, then they might demand payment whether people actually use them or not. Just as the BBC does. But shops don't, so the comparison is ridiculous.


The BBC could have digitally scrambled it's broadcasts (to ensure only those who had paid for its services were able to receive them) decades ago. But chose not to.


The BBC TV licence fee is the most regressive tax in the UK, which hurts the poorest the most. The majority of whom, according to the BBC, are women.


When will you get into your thick head this is NOT JUST ABOUT BBC.


Its a licence to receive live broadcast television from ALL channels. That includes those live broadcasts from Sky and Cable. Why dont you do some research and look at the ONS January 2006 classification changes for a start.


Round and round this debate goes every time you rear your head. YOU STILL DONT GET IT.


Ultimately, There are two very simple options here.


1) If you want to receive live broadcast television (on all channels not just the BBC) then you pay the charge.


2) If you dont want or cant afford to pay then dont watch live broadcast television - do something else.


What is so complicated here??


You are making it sound as if the TV Licence is some sort of madatory position which everyone is forced to pay. Its not. You yourself have seemingly proved that by your repeated boasting that you live perfectly well without watching broadcast tv or using any of the supplementary BBC services.... right??


You make big claims about your informed choice not to pay for it so why cant those other people who dont/cant pay the licence fee do the same as you.


There are many fees/taxes/charges I may dislike paying but if I want the goods or service that comes with it, I have to. Anything else, I either do without or find an alternative.


That's life.


This crucade you seem to have against the BBC and the licence fee is so misguided its rediculous. You also seem to think that making it commerical and/or behind some kind of paywall would magically remove the licence fee.


Take a look around the world and I can tell you it doesn't.


That's why there are countries that have commerical broadcast channels filled with adverts and STILL have a television licence fee.


Even if the BBC went commercial with ads do you really think the government would not find some other use for those licence fee pennies and keep it in place?

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What absolutely awful tacky programmes....including terrible rehashes the BBC is putting on lately.


Wherever the £billions in BBC TV licence fee money is going, it's not on the cheap, poor quality programmes.

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you have a choice, dont watch it live you dont need to pay, simple


---------- Post added 04-03-2018 at 17:05 ----------


you have heard about BBC Iplayer? you can choose when to watch most things...after its been on live obviously


Not true..you still need a licence..




At least that's how it reads to me...

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