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TheWorld's situation seems to get worse by the day. In the far east Russia indiscrimatly bombs towns ,villages ,and refugee camps using the excuse that they are fighting terrorism.

Meanwhile they mass on the borders of the Ukraine often making incursions into that Country in the belief that part of that Country is still part of their own.

It also seems as though they are responsible for bringing down a civilian air craft a few months ago as all the video evidence points to them.

On top of this we have the situation where most of their athletes are banned from international sport for state authorised drug abuse.


Their football fans are out of control as they rampage through Europe reminiscent of the fascist ism of the thirty,s .



This situation is now making Russia into a Nation on edge with the West as the situation gets worse by the day.


In America we have a pair of complete nut cases plying for the Presidency and while this pantomime is going on taking their eye of the situation in the East.


In our own Country another fruit cake given the job as home Secretary Boris _Johnson .


He is standing up in Parliament and telling all and sundry to demonstrate outside the Russian embassy so as to further the pressure on Russia a country lead by another unstable figure who likes to be seen as the hard man by posing bare chested on horse back or throwing some one over his shoulder in a wrestling match.



Has the situation tipped over the edge are we on the way to the third World war a war that no one can win.

Edited by samssong
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TheWorld's situation seems to get worse by the day. In the far east Russia indiscrimatly bombs towns ,villages ,and refugee camps using the excuse that they are fighting terrorism.

Meanwhile they mass on the borders of the Ukraine often making incursions into that Country in the belief that part of that Country is still part of their own.

It also seems as though they are responsible for bringing down a civilian air craft a few months ago as all the video evidence points to them.

On top of this we have the situation where most of their athletes are banned from international sport for state authorised drug abuse.


Their football fans are out of control as they rampage through Europe reminiscent of the fascist ism of the thirty,s .



This situation is now making Russia into a Nation on edge with the West as the situation gets worse by the day.


In America we have a pair of complete nut cases plying for the Presidency and while this pantomime is going on taking their eye of the situation in the East.

In our own Country another fruit cake given the job as home Secretary Boris _Johnson .


He is standing up in Parliament and telling all and sundry to demonstrate outside the Russian embassy so as to further the pressure on Russia a country lead by another unstable figure who likes to be seen as the hard man by posing bare chested on horse back or throwing some one over his shoulder in a wrestling match.



Has the situation tipped over the edge are we on the way to the third World war a war that no one can win.


that sounds like desperation from a man with no plan, Putin has outplayed the west at every turn, its all about power, and Putin has won this one, the US should just back down and accept that they have lost this one, unless they want to step up things and risk ww3

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In our own Country another fruit cake given the job as home Secretary Boris _Johnson .



Boris Johnson is Foreign Secretary. Amber Rudd is Home Secretary.

I suspect from the context that you were referring to Boris rather than Home Secretary.


The Russian people have no appetite for war with the west, and you do not run foreign policy on pure appeasement.

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Boris Johnson is Foreign Secretary. Amber Rudd is Home Secretary.

I suspect from the context that you were referring to Boris rather than Home Secretary.


The Russian people have no appetite for war with the west, and you do not run foreign policy on pure appeasement.

Deduct two house points;)

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Russia will protect its assets in Syria and there's nothing the west can do about it


Quite. We'll huff and puff and say how awful it is and do nothing.


Only one thing is guaranteed when involving oneself in a foreign conflict: condemnation.

If you choose to take action, you're condemned for fighting what will certainly be described as "an illegal war" in what will inevitably be characterised as an incompetent fashion.

If you don't take action, you're condemned for letting innocent people endure mistreatment and death when you could have done something about it.


Either way it'll be pretty much the same people condemning you and calling (in some cases literally) for your head, and your conscience will tear you apart.

I'm glad I'm not in politics.

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Putin is a shrewd and experienced player, I can't imagine he wants to blow the world up.

Trump and Clinton on the other hand are a worry.


And who's to say who is actually in charge, is it the politicians or the bankers/vested interests, pulling the strings?


'World war lll' if it happens, is not necessarily going to go nuclear, but it will be a mess.

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The Cold War officially ended when the Soviet Union fell apart but unofficially it never really ended. Putin was a child of the Soviet era he grew up at a time when Russia was strong and the Cold War could have gone hot at any time . Putin wants to rebuild the U.S.S.R that's his dream look what he is doing looking for an chance to gain more territories its about been the ' strongman ' of Eastern Europe .


---------- Post added 12-10-2016 at 17:34 ----------


Putin is a shrewd and experienced player, I can't imagine he wants to blow the world up.

Trump and Clinton on the other hand are a worry.


And who's to say who is actually in charge, is it the politicians or the bankers/vested interests, pulling the strings?


'World war lll' if it happens, is not necessarily going to go nuclear, but it will be a mess.


Yes I agree Putin is shrewd and will give who ever wins the American Presidential race a run for their money in foreign relations .

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TheWorld's situation seems to get worse by the day. In the far east Russia indiscrimatly bombs towns ,villages ,and refugee camps using the excuse that they are fighting terrorism.

Meanwhile they mass on the borders of the Ukraine often making incursions into that Country in the belief that part of that Country is still part of their own.

It also seems as though they are responsible for bringing down a civilian air craft a few months ago as all the video evidence points to them.

On top of this we have the situation where most of their athletes are banned from international sport for state authorised drug abuse.


Their football fans are out of control as they rampage through Europe reminiscent of the fascist ism of the thirty,s .



This situation is now making Russia into a Nation on edge with the West as the situation gets worse by the day.


In America we have a pair of complete nut cases plying for the Presidency and while this pantomime is going on taking their eye of the situation in the East.


In our own Country another fruit cake given the job as home Secretary Boris _Johnson .


He is standing up in Parliament and telling all and sundry to demonstrate outside the Russian embassy so as to further the pressure on Russia a country lead by another unstable figure who likes to be seen as the hard man by posing bare chested on horse back or throwing some one over his shoulder in a wrestling match.



Has the situation tipped over the edge are we on the way to the third World war a war that no one can win.


I wouldn't worry sit back and watch the show because it's inevitable and probably overdue, too much has been brushed under the carpet, too many issues have not been dealt with and too many people are adding fuel to the fire. Grab a cold beer and/or prepare an Anderson shelter because we're all clinging on !

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I wouldn't worry sit back and watch the show because it's inevitable and probably overdue, too much has been brushed under the carpet, too many issues have not been dealt with and too many people are adding fuel to the fire. Grab a cold beer and/or prepare an Anderson shelter because we're all clinging on !


You're certainly right about issues not being dealt with, and being brushed under the carpet. It's about time politicians started to earn their money, they've been doing a p*** poor job for far too long, and getting away with it.

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