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Was Lily Allen right or wrong?

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I didn't know France was being bombed on a daily basis.


---------- Post added 20-10-2016 at 13:57 ----------



Fit young men should not be running away from a war in their own country, they should be fighting their oppressors.


No they shouldn't! They should get the hell out of there and survive! If my country was being torn apart by civil war, I wouldn't stay and fight for a government I don't agree with or a monarchy I despise. I'd take my family and children and get to somewhere safe as soon as possible!

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For hair (facial, chest, etc.), it really depends on your genes.


Precisely. I remember going from Brunswick Middle School to Beaver Hill.


It was our first experience of having Asian classmates (Woodhouse being surprisingly "white" back then), and some of our fellow Y8 students (there was no Y7 back then) sported excellent moustaches that we were years away from!

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No they shouldn't! They should get the hell out of there and survive! If my country was being torn apart by civil war, I wouldn't stay and fight for a government I don't agree with or a monarchy I despise. I'd take my family and children and get to somewhere safe as soon as possible!


It would seem some of these families didn't take their children tho, that is why the parents are already in the UK whereas their 'children' are in Calais. Are they actually being reunited with parents, or just other family members?


Personally I think we should be taking the most vulnerable from refugee camps close to Syria (as Cameron said).

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No they shouldn't! They should get the hell out of there and survive! If my country was being torn apart by civil war, I wouldn't stay and fight for a government I don't agree with or a monarchy I despise. I'd take my family and children and get to somewhere safe as soon as possible!


what parents in their right minds leave their young or not so young children???? and then expect them to follow?? what age is appropriate for that???:roll:

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It would seem some of these families didn't take their children tho, that is why the parents are already in the UK whereas their 'children' are in Calais. Are they actually being reunited with parents, or just other family members?


Personally I think we should be taking the most vulnerable from refugee camps close to Syria (as Cameron said).


I don't think we are in a position to pick and choose to be honest. If we hadn't had a direct hand in reducing their countriesto rubble then maybe so


---------- Post added 20-10-2016 at 14:13 ----------


what parents in their right minds leave their young or not so young children???? and then expect them to follow?? what age is appropriate for that???:roll:


Under what circumstances did they leave their children? One man said it had been 11 years since he had saw his son. Plenty of families move abroad to work and send money back home.

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They look like men to me, not children.


However that being said, fleeing from a war would age you some what..


of course they are men! its just another way to twist the arms of the do gooders.

fleeing a war doesnt make you look 10 years older, in fact i doubt any child under 15-16 could cover that journey alone.

fleeing would make you look very tired but not 35:loopy:

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They've been reunited with their parents, who live in the UK.

Bonzo77 - are you sure about that? I have not seen any reference to DNA tests. They are supposed to be joining family members, AFAIK parents are not mentioned. Also, the vast majority of folk who land on these shores are healthy young men. You mentioned parents so somewhere there has to be a mother. Unfortunately we see no, or little evidence of females so we can only assume that they are being left to fend for themselves in their own country. How these men can leave their vulnerable women family members is a mystery to me and probably to others. Could you clear off and leave your mum, sisters, wife etc? If the country was bad enough for them to leave then it is bad enough for the poor women to live in alone and unsupported.

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I don't think we are in a position to pick and choose to be honest. If we hadn't had a direct hand in reducing their countriesto rubble then maybe so


We are picking and choosing tho. You might think that is wrong and that everyone from the middle east has the right to live here, but that is not current policy.


We are choosing people from Calais who have familial links the UK. I question why there are unaccompanied children in Calais whose parents are in the UK.

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I don't think we are in a position to pick and choose to be honest. If we hadn't had a direct hand in reducing their countriesto rubble then maybe so


---------- Post added 20-10-2016 at 14:13 ----------



Under what circumstances did they leave their children? One man said it had been 11 years since he had saw his son. Plenty of families move abroad to work and send money back home.


we are talking about parents here i.e mum and dad who are here already or are you saying mum is back in syria?

its hardly moving abroad to work and send money home is it:roll:

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No they shouldn't! They should get the hell out of there and survive! If my country was being torn apart by civil war, I wouldn't stay and fight for a government I don't agree with or a monarchy I despise. I'd take my family and children and get to somewhere safe as soon as possible!


Well with that attitude I'm glad people like you weren't around when the Nazis were bombing Britain in the 2nd world war.

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