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Was Lily Allen right or wrong?

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I am not jealous of her one bit. I just do not give credit to people who had everything given to them from birth.


And the cost of her being born rich through no fault of her own, her having a successful music career with songs she wrote herself, besides the press intrusion and considerable loss of private life that comes with fame, should be she can't express differing opinions to yours?


You would deny her a basic human right that you yourself enjoy every time you spout your inane drivel behind the clown face on this forum? Just because you don't agree with her? Wow.


Yes, you are jealous.

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Really? She thinks their age doesn't matter. It's a fairly simple idea. She's saying let them claim asylum here regardless. She is entitled to that opinion whether you agree with her or not. Everyone has an opinion and everyone else's stinks. Why do you care what she thinks? She has no power or influence over government policy.


(I could write the full old adage but it's too course for the forum as I have already discovered to my cost.)


It isn't a simple idea though, assume they are 13 when they are actually 23 and you now have 23 years olds being educated along side 13 year olds, not a sensible idea at all unless the intention is keep them isolated and away from British children.

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It isn't a simple idea though, assume they are 13 when they are actually 23 and you now have 23 years olds being educated along side 13 year olds, not a sensible idea at all unless the intention is keep them isolated and away from British children.


I think what she meant was even if they are over 18 then let them in anyway because they number so few. She's not saying put 23 year olds in school with 13 year olds so do stop with the hysteria.


As stated, it's only an opinion and she doesn't influence government policy.

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I think what she meant was even if they are over 18 then let them in anyway because they number so few. She's not saying put 23 year olds in school with 13 year olds so do stop with the hysteria.


As stated, it's only an opinion and she doesn't influence government policy.


She's whining in the media about people with concerns about the age of these migrants, we are being told they are children so it stands to reason they will be educated alongside British children, so their real age does matter. It might be that the government lied about their ages to make the decision to accept them more palatable.

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'They're acting like NAZIS': Lily Allen launches bizarre theory the Home Office DELIBERATELY allowed 'propaganda' pictures of older-looking refugees to turn public against them




If she actually stopped to think for a minute she would realise how ridiculous that statement is.


The government has taken hundreds of children from the camps in Calais (the final figure will be somewhere around 800 according to how many have links to Britain).


The government refused to do any age checks on these people, despite legitimate concerns that many could be lying about their age. They said these were 'inappropriate and unethical'.


How does any of this behaviour suggest that the Home Office are comparable to Nazi's. Absolutely ridiculous.

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If she actually stopped to think for a minute she would realise how ridiculous that statement is.


The government has taken hundreds of children from the camps in Calais (the final figure will be somewhere around 800 according to how many have links to Britain).


The government refused to do any age checks on these people, despite legitimate concerns that many could be lying about their age. They said these were 'inappropriate and unethical'.


How does any of this behaviour suggest that the Home Office are comparable to Nazi's. Absolutely ridiculous.


She's a pop star, what do you expect?


As conspiracy theories go hers isn't even that bonkers compared to some I've seen here in recent days.


But I would say that. I'm a Clintonbot Automaton ;)

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'They're acting like NAZIS': Lily Allen launches bizarre theory the Home Office DELIBERATELY allowed 'propaganda' pictures of older-looking refugees to turn public against them




Z list celeb trying to squeeze every last bit of free publicity she can . Pathetic

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Z list celeb trying to squeeze every last bit of free publicity she can . Pathetic


Ah Penny, always so well informed.


What's happened here is Lily Allen has given an interview to a little read and insignificant publication called Vice. The Daily Mail have sensationalised what she said into their own non-story. If they don't like what she says, why give her the oxygen of publicity by publishing it in their much wider read newspaper? The truth is, The Daily Mail needs the Lily Allens of this world.


That old boy, is what is truly pathetic here.

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