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Over a million people are not having their basic care needs met

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If authorities aren't meeting their obligations, contact your councilor, MP, stuff like that. It shouldn't happen.


Hi tfh, I wish it was as simple as this. Certainly SCC breach the Care Act every day by failing to meet some peoples' care needs as they should, but this is because they have been left without enough money to do so. It enrages me that they are complicit in a cover-up with central government; they claim to have 'managed' the central government cuts but only by denying services to people who legally qualify. People should absolutely contact their MPs, etc. but if every council in the country fully implemented their statutory duties under the Care Act they would all be bankrupt overnight because so much money has been taken from councils and more cuts are on the way. I see the reality of this almost daily and it's awful.

Edited by Bob Arctor
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Hi tfh, I wish it was as simple as this. Certainly SCC breach the Care Act every day by not failing to meet some peoples' care needs as they should, but this is because they have been left without enough money to do so. It enrages me that they are complicit in a cover-up with central government; they claim to have 'managed' the central government cuts but only by denying services to people who legally qualify. People should absolutely contact their MPs, etc. but if every council in the country fully implemented their statutory duties under the Care Act they would all be bankrupt overnight because so much money has been taken from councils and more cuts are on the way. I see the reality of this almost daily and it's awful.


You make a good point. What do people think will happen when cuts are made?

I am sick of hearing people making excuses, or ignoring the obvious. As i said in another post, sweeping it under the carpet is no solution, and will come back to bite us all sooner or later.

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You make a good point. What do people think will happen when cuts are made?

I am sick of hearing people making excuses, or ignoring the obvious. As i said in another post, sweeping it under the carpet is no solution, and will come back to bite us all sooner or later.


Iv got an blind grandmother she 88 next month we have had to fight every step of the way to get the care she needs. I did it in the end but it was taxing I'm not in good health as it is without the need to fight the system. The cuts will get deeper I fear for the future I really do I don't think people can understand what its like until put in that situation.


---------- Post added 13-10-2016 at 23:13 ----------


You can then apply for Attendance Allowance, and in most cases you won't even need to go for a medical by DSS/Atos or their new equivalent now. They may just write to your GP for confirmation of your condition.


Sadly this is not the case anymore. Even if you are 65 and had been claiming DLA previously you have now got to claim PIP instead. Attendance Allowance is slowly been fazed out though the backdoor. I 100% don't agree with this .

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You make a good point. What do people think will happen when cuts are made?

I am sick of hearing people making excuses, or ignoring the obvious. As i said in another post, sweeping it under the carpet is no solution, and will come back to bite us all sooner or later.


They'll keep cutting front line staff whilst the higher ups keep their jobs telling everyone how unfair it is.


---------- Post added 14-10-2016 at 00:09 ----------


Hi tfh, I wish it was as simple as this. Certainly SCC breach the Care Act every day by failing to meet some peoples' care needs as they should, but this is because they have been left without enough money to do so. It enrages me that they are complicit in a cover-up with central government; they claim to have 'managed' the central government cuts but only by denying services to people who legally qualify. People should absolutely contact their MPs, etc. but if every council in the country fully implemented their statutory duties under the Care Act they would all be bankrupt overnight because so much money has been taken from councils and more cuts are on the way. I see the reality of this almost daily and it's awful.


It's not good. My old dad had my mum (mainly) 0plus my sister and me swinging for him and it was an uphill battle. If you're on your own for whatever reason you are completely screwed.

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They'll keep cutting front line staff whilst the higher ups keep their jobs telling everyone how unfair it is.

---------- Post added 14-10-2016 at 00:09 ----------



It's not good. My old dad had my mum (mainly) 0plus my sister and me swinging for him and it was an uphill battle. If you're on your own for whatever reason you are completely screwed.


Too true. And it's so wrong. The salaries of these higher ups is also a major cause for concern. It's our taxes that are paying for it. I know where I'd rather my taxes were spent, and so I suspect, do many others, but what does it matter what we the voters want...?


Any ideas what can be done about it?

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The cuts have to be made,how else can they pay off the useless people running these facilities,it's been said time and time again no one is answerable to the poor management of government run businesses.


The cuts are being made because the government decided to make them. It's also wrecking the NHS because the hospitals have loads of people in them who could be discharged if they had support available to make the discharge safe, meaning that the pressure on beds is enormous and admissions are delayed.

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The cuts have to be made,how else can they pay off the useless people running these facilities,it's been said time and time again no one is answerable to the poor management of government run businesses.


Don't get me started....


Remember we have to pay top dollar, (now often in the region of £300,000) because we have to have the best....


The situation we are in is entirely down to these muppets. If that's what 'the best' can do, God help us...


And then, of course, when you totally screw up, you get a handsome pay off, and then another new job that pays the same.

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You make a good point. What do people think will happen when cuts are made?

I am sick of hearing people making excuses, or ignoring the obvious. As i said in another post, sweeping it under the carpet is no solution, and will come back to bite us all sooner or later.


All that people can see is benefits; is this a pension issue?


Will people in their 50s/60s now, be in the same position in 20 years?


Is this also a NHS issue, peoples health is failing and they need looking after, surely that should be down to the NHS?

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All that people can see is benefits; is this a pension issue?


Will people in their 50s/60s now, be in the same position in 20 years?


Is this also a NHS issue, peoples health is failing and they need looking after, surely that should be down to the NHS?


No, it's the opposite. People with ill health are living longer due to advances in medicine. For example with dementia, from the age of 65 your chance of developing dementia doubles every five years. As people live longer then more people have dementia and need some level of support. I don't really see the benefit of life expectancy continuing to increase, I would have thought that as a population we should be asked how much money should go into trying to keep people alive for longer - presumably there is an optimum life expectancy in terms of quality of life.

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