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War in Syria - here we go again

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Media coverage of this is very one sided to the point of propaganda. Russia is not the bad guy it's portrayed to be. We should be very careful what we believe, do some research and try to find a more balanced picture. It's out there.


I did notice that when British and American forces invaded Iraq and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians were killed, this was all for liberty, freedom and democracy.


When Assad kills hundreds of thousands of his own people, this is cruelty, butchery and murder.

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Media coverage of this is very one sided to the point of propaganda. Russia is not the bad guy it's portrayed to be. We should be very careful what we believe, do some research and try to find a more balanced picture. It's out there.


So who is flattening east Aleppo, including hospitals and schools?

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let's make it nice and simple .

Syria arab army aided by Russia, China, HA, Mouqawama and Allies...

are fighting against so called rebels from all over the world ... all these rebels groups are also qaida linked isis linked or share similar salafist and extremist beliefs...

who supplies these groups? ..gulf states, ksa, charities, turkey and the main NATO states...



ie. war in Syria is secularists v extremists



Are you arguing that Assad is the lesser evil?

I've heard the case that you have a choice in Muslim dominated states between a brutal secular dictatorship and a brutal theocracy. But surely Indonesia and on its good days Turkey (and others), demonstrate that this is a false choice.

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Are you arguing that Assad is the lesser evil?

I've heard the case that you have a choice in Muslim dominated states between a brutal secular dictatorship and a brutal theocracy. But surely Indonesia and on its good days Turkey (and others), demonstrate that this is a false choice.


And by "good day in turkey" do you mean any day you aren't Kurdish?

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Are you arguing that Assad is the lesser evil?

I've heard the case that you have a choice in Muslim dominated states between a brutal secular dictatorship and a brutal theocracy. But surely Indonesia and on its good days Turkey (and others), demonstrate that this is a false choice.

not at all .it's pointless arguing for arguments sake ..isn't it ..

listen. if you are going to parrot nonsense you hear from bbc and all the other news outlets who say the same things that the govt feeds them on Syria then you aren't gonna know much about Syria.

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not at all .it's pointless arguing for arguments sake ..isn't it ..

listen. if you are going to parrot nonsense you hear from bbc and all the other news outlets who say the same things that the govt feeds them on Syria then you aren't gonna know much about Syria.


You've said nothing here. Don't know why you bothered.

Shame. I thought you might actually be trying to make a contribution to the debate.

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I did notice that when British and American forces invaded Iraq and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians were killed, this was all for liberty, freedom and democracy.


And oil. Don't forget that.


When Assad kills hundreds of thousands of his own people, this is cruelty, butchery and murder.


And sand. He's got plenty of that.

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let's make it nice and simple .

Syria arab army aided by Russia, China, HA, Mouqawama and Allies...

are fighting against so called rebels from all over the world ... all these rebels groups are also qaida linked isis linked or share similar salafist and extremist beliefs...

who supplies these groups? ..gulf states, ksa, charities, turkey and the main NATO states...



ie. war in Syria is secularists v extremists


Are you implying that secularists can't be extremists? I think you are at risk of introducing an unhelpful binary into this; it doesn't have to be the case that one side is appalling and the other good, they can both be equally appalling. As it happens I think the US hasn't been egregiously bad in Syria although they were in the Iraq war. I think the reason for this, whichever power you are talking about, is that the decisions made are amoral - they are made on the basis of interest, not morals. Sometimes the US government will make decisions that seem morally ok and sometimes decisions seem morally wrong. Same for Russia, Iran, whoever. I believe the relative morality of these decisions is accidental, i.e. they were never made with any morality in mind.

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