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War in Syria - here we go again

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Plenty of hoo haa regarding Russia in Syria, what about the 140 mourners killed in Yemen by American supplied weapons by an allie of the west who bombed a funeral gathering?

Selective outrage by the west once again....:rolleyes:

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Plenty of hoo haa regarding Russia in Syria, what about the 140 mourners killed in Yemen by American supplied weapons by an allie of the west who bombed a funeral gathering?

Selective outrage by the west once again....:rolleyes:


I notice they put that down as a "mistake". Possible, but somewhat hard to swallow.

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Plenty of hoo haa regarding Russia in Syria, what about the 140 mourners killed in Yemen by American supplied weapons by an allie of the west who bombed a funeral gathering?

Selective outrage by the west once again....:rolleyes:


Just because you sell someone a gun, you don't decide who they shoot with it. Although you can ask nicely :D

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Regarding the aid convoy...


There were actually two aid convoys on the day in question. The first, a UN aid convoy was stalled at the border with Turkey. The Syrians refused to let the UN aid convoy in to the country without inspecting it first. Presumably they thought that it would be used to smuggle weapons to terrorists in East Aleppo. The obvious solution would have been to let the Syrians inspect the convoy however Turkey refused (for some reason) so it remained sat on the border.


The second convoy was a Syrian Arab Red Crescent convoy sent from Damascus to Aleppo by the Syrian government so that they could get aid to their besieged citizens in East Aleppo. The "moderate" terrorists had publicly stated that they would not let any aid be delivered to the civilians without going through them first. The assumption on behalf of the Syrian government was that the terrorists would horde all the aid for themselves and then sell it for extortionate prices to the civilian hostages in order to further finance their Islamist rebellion. With that in mind the Syrians refused to deliver it in to the hands of militants. This is the convoy that was attacked.


John Kerry (who has been calling for regime change in Syria) said the United States were "certain" that the Russians or Syrians had bombed their own aid convoy. Only one day earlier the US "accidentally" bombed a Syrian army base which calls the reliability of John Kerry's information in to question. He also suggested he had proof that a Russian or Syrian airstrike was responsible for the attack however no proof was presented.


UN humanitarian spokesman Jens Laerke said



The NATO financed, terrorist sympathizers, known as the "white helmets" stated the attack was definitely an airstrike however the video they produced did not actually show the initial attack and no helicopter or fighter jets could be heard.


The Russian MOD released video footage showing that a rebel mortar was present in the vicinity of the aid convoy in a supposedly demilitarized humanitarian corridor.


The website known as Bellingcat which routinely appears in the legacy media supporting NATO propaganda and denouncing NATO's targets produced a photograph suggesting that a Russian bomb was responsible for the attack. This photo was widely shared in the western media as proof of Russian culpability however the photo shows nothing of the kind. There is a small crater in a nearby aid warehouse, probably caused by earlier mortar damage. A Russian bomb fragment can be seen in the middle. Bellingcat could not explain why cardboard boxes nearby remained unscathed. If this was a Russian airstrike one would expect cardboard boxes to be burned or even for the whole building to have been destroyed. This indicates the bomb fragment was placed there later in order to blame the Russians.


Other photos of the incident show damage inconsistent with an airstrike. There are no craters on the ground. Large amounts of flammable material such as cardboard and plastic remains intact in many cases. The trucks themselves appear to be burned out in places but not completely destroyed


All this suggests that the American backed rebels were themselves responsible for the attack on the aid convoy in accordance with their publicly stated intentions.


The attack on the aid convoy was used by the media to denounce and condemn Russia however neither the Russians nor the Syrians had any motive to attack the aid convoy (which they themselves had put together and sent from their capital city). Had the Syrian government really wanted to stop this convoy they could have done so easily and quietly within government controlled Damascus by simply refusing to allow it to leave as they had done hours earlier with the UN aid convoy on the Turkish border.


The western media knows all the information above but rather than accurately report the news they have instead, deliberately confused the two convoys, repeatedly describing the Red Crescent convoy as a UN convoy and failing to mention that there were in fact two.


The American government obviously knows all this information too. They are alleged by the Russians to have had a surveillance drone in the area. We also know they have surveillance satellites in orbit and of course intelligence assets and special forces in the rebel held territory, attempting to separate moderates from extremists (whilst simultaneously arming and training the moderates to overthrow the Syrian government). John Kerry is therefore knowingly lying to the world. This appears to be a dishonest attempt to demonize Russia because they are standing in the way of his illegal regime change agenda.

Edited by rinzwind
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Ultimately...we're in the West, and Putin has proven himself to pushing back against the West through subversion, manipulation, agitation and aggression right up to land-grabbing, rather than diplomacy and collaboration, time and again.
And as if on cue, I give you this.
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And as if on cue, I give you this.


Russia announced they were sending their aircraft carrier to Syria in July I think. They also obtained authorization from the British government.


Carriers have to move around on the sea because that's where they live. The USA has lots of them floating around out there including this one.

Edited by rinzwind
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