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Ukip leadership hopeful:Ex-BNP members should be allowed to join party

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I can't believe this..what next from the ukip tories

A candidate for the Ukip leadership has called for ex-members of the BNP and the English Defence League to be allowed to sign up to the party. Raheem Kassam, a former aide to Nigel Farage, said the blanket ban on far-right activists joining Ukip should be scrapped and membership granted if they had renounced their views.

The Ukip rulebook explicitly rules out granting membership to anyone who has been in the British National Party, the National Front, the UK First party, the English Defence League, the British Freedom Party, British People’s Party and the Britain First Party. Mr Farage repeatedly cited the ban to counter accusations that his party harboured people with extremist views.


Read more at: https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/politics/ukip-hopeful-calls-ex-bnp-members-allowed-party/

Edited by WestTinsley
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Well,they've got to get support from wherever they can and if that means looking under stones or in sewers that's where they'll look.


What is the point of UKIP anyway, they've achieved their aim, their raison d'être.


I do think it's rather ironic that Farage and his fellow UKIP MEPs continue to take filthy lucre from their beloved tax paying compatriots whom they were so concerned about before the Referendum. The UKIP MEP with the brummy accent is like a self parodying caracature

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