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Shoddy building work on The Moor

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What if it isn't shiny, and does look crap? No comment allowed, lest we upset the developer?


I mean, I like the design of these blocks but I think the OP raises some perfectly reasonable concerns with the finish. Is that not allowed?


I can accept modest design for the sake of getting schemes off the ground, but not substandard building quality.


Basically, it looks like the builder's been in a bit of a hurry to get the job done and fastened the panels on without measuring the gaps before fixing.

Simply just standing back and looking what things look like would've helped … using spacers, like large specialised versions of the ones used for wall tiling would've done the job a lot better. To put it right now will involve a scaled up version of putting aforementioned poorly spaced wall tiles right (without breaking them) after they've been grouted in. Shame really … on a not very inspired design such as this, it's the attention to details that are the redeeming factor.

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Guest makapaka
Basically, it looks like the builder's been in a bit of a hurry to get the job done and fastened the panels on without measuring the gaps before fixing.

Simply just standing back and looking what things look like would've helped … using spacers, like large specialised versions of the ones used for wall tiling would've done the job a lot better. To put it right now will involve a scaled up version of putting aforementioned poorly spaced wall tiles right (without breaking them) after they've been grouted in. Shame really … on a not very inspired design such as this, it's the attention to details that are the redeeming factor.


Your sentiments are probably right - I wouldn't be too worried tho - it's not going to be a blot on the landscape.


They're not going to be attracting tourists to it.

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You really don't that the public's response to a developer's proposals or other work in an area doesn't have any impact on those "probable return" decisions??


A developer comes along with a plan for a nice shiny new shopping mall. They submit proposals and see hundreds of comments from people whining it "looks crap" "not as good as the old days" "nobody will pay that price" "nobody wants that stuff" "its all tat"


Do you not think that might sway a decision on whether to go ahead?


No, I don't. Not in the slightest. A developer will already have spent a lot of money drawing up and submitting the plans based on a lot of market research. They're not going to drop it all just because some anonymous whingers say they're not going to go there.


But you can prove me wrong. Name some developments that have been withdrawn because someone has moaned on the internet. Name some developments that have succeeded because no one has moaned on the internet.

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