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Is this too good to be believed?

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Not possible on benefits, that's for sure. Something else is going on.


It all depends...


an individual person, can be on around £1100 / month, WITH rent / Council tax paid, it all depends on what benefits and for what reason..


having Income Support, disability, pip, and other such benefits.....


some rehabilitated drug users, are often unable to work for various reasons, and as a result are able to claim disability, and all others that go with it..

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So you are hearing something from a friend and you don't think that qualifies as hearsay? Can you substantiate the things your friend is telling you?


Well she has seen the ring and coat. Every time she visits she has carrier bags full of new designer clothes.


---------- Post added 16-10-2016 at 19:00 ----------


What advice are you seeking?


Friend says she will have nothing to do with her if she is seen to be stealing but isn't brave enough to ask outright! So she wondered what I thought. As I have no knowledge of benefits available to someone in this position I thought I would ask on here. Might have been a bad decision. Thanks for helpful replies though!

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Well she has seen the ring and coat. Every time she visits she has carrier bags full of new designer clothes.


---------- Post added 16-10-2016 at 19:00 ----------



Friend says she will have nothing to do with her if she is seen to be stealing but isn't brave enough to ask outright! So she wondered what I thought. As I have no knowledge of benefits available to someone in this position I thought I would ask on here. Might have been a bad decision. Thanks for helpful replies though!


Seriously, you are either trolling or incredibly naive. Of course someone on benefits can't afford that. Your friends acquaintance is either prostituting herself or mugging people or of course non-existent.

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Here is my dilemma. I have a friend who has an acquaintance who has been a drug and alcohol user for most of her life. She is now 43 and after a long gap (after being in prison) has got back in touch. She says she has turned her life around, got rid of old contacts, moved to a new flat etc. She has no job and is not likely to be able to work in the foreseeable future. She is receiving help with psychiatric problems - nurse, support worker etc. Her problem is how much to believe about what this person tells her as regards her spending. For example - £400 22ct gold ring, £700 for 2 Prada jumpers, £700 coat for Xmas, taxis everywhere and 100 pairs of shoes! etc. (She has been shown all these things so know it's all true!)Should all this be possible on benefits? Either the benefit system is far too generous or there is something else going on! Should she be made to do voluntary work to pay back society for how much she must have cost it? What benefits would be paid to someone like this and is she taking the <removed>?!


You have no dilemma.


Firstly, it is just hearsay and and of no consequence.

Secondly, it has got nothing to do with you.

Thirdly, who cares?


Pretty much this.


You dont have any knwoledge of benefits but its a popular way to slate people on benefits. If they have come across such goods, then it isbt via benefits, it could be credit, it could be fantasy or it could be other means.


You said it yourself, she has psychiatric issues.

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Pretty much this.


You dont have any knwoledge of benefits but its a popular way to slate people on benefits. If they have come across such goods, then it isbt via benefits, it could be credit, it could be fantasy or it could be other means.


You said it yourself, she has psychiatric issues.


Not slating people on benefits at all - I've been there myself. In fact quite the opposite - wanted to know if her lifestyle was possible on benefits as I didn't know how much she'd be entitled to. However I think that if it's all legit then there's something wrong with the system when someone who's never worked can afford all this designer gear etc when 'ordinary' working people can't. Surely there's nothing wrong with that?!


---------- Post added 16-10-2016 at 19:59 ----------


This! And I have good knowledge of the benefits system and even on top whack (unlikely given the description) this shopping list would be unaffordable.


That's all I needed to know! Thank you and good-night!

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It all depends...


an individual person, can be on around £1100 / month, WITH rent / Council tax paid, it all depends on what benefits and for what reason..


having Income Support, disability, pip, and other such benefits.....


some rehabilitated drug users, are often unable to work for various reasons, and as a result are able to claim disability, and all others that go with it..


An unemployed individual person gets about £70 a week. And some, but not necessarily all, of their rent paid.


That's a long way off £1100 a month. Benefits are not generous, and it's usually only when there are dependent children that extra bits are added. Besides even on £1100 I don't think people could afford jewelery or designer anything. So I'd still be suspicious.

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An unemployed individual person gets about £70 a week. And some, but not necessarily all, of their rent paid.


That's a long way off £1100 a month. Benefits are not generous, and it's usually only when there are dependent children that extra bits are added. Besides even on £1100 I don't think people could afford jewelery or designer anything. So I'd still be suspicious.


High Rate DLA: £82.30 / week. (Middle is £55.10)

Carers Allowance: £62.10


Income Support (for a couple: the OTHER person would claim carers): £114.85


That's pretty much £300/week for a couple.... £1200 every 4 weeks... not including housing benefit and council tax...


And there may be other things they can claim, such as if they are both disabled the DLA and Carers components can be doubled up, to add an extra

£144.40/week for the couple...


(worked out based on highest rate...)

NOTE: Lots has changed now, and it's all coming under Universal Credit, carers allowance has been scrapped but there's a premium you can get added to UC...

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