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Is this too good to be believed?

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Eh? Here I was naively thinking I might get some helpful or even sensible advice! Think my thread on SF might be first and last one!


With a statement like that you could get a job as a comedian.


---------- Post added 17-10-2016 at 08:40 ----------


Firstly - it is not hearsay when my friend has told me word for word what was said.

Secondly - it has to do with me when she is asking me for help/advice.

Thirdly - it has to do with me if too much in benefits is being paid out in my taxes making us look like fools!


Is she supplimenting her benefits by working the Town Hall steps in the evening.

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Here is my dilemma. I have a friend who has an acquaintance who has been a drug and alcohol user for most of her life. She is now 43 and after a long gap (after being in prison) has got back in touch. She says she has turned her life around, got rid of old contacts, moved to a new flat etc. She has no job and is not likely to be able to work in the foreseeable future. She is receiving help with psychiatric problems - nurse, support worker etc. Her problem is how much to believe about what this person tells her as regards her spending. For example - £400 22ct gold ring, £700 for 2 Prada jumpers, £700 coat for Xmas, taxis everywhere and 100 pairs of shoes! etc. (She has been shown all these things so know it's all true!)Should all this be possible on benefits? Either the benefit system is far too generous or there is something else going on! Should she be made to do voluntary work to pay back society for how much she must have cost it? What benefits would be paid to someone like this and is she taking the <removed>?!


if you feel someone is abusing the benefit system you can report them.

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