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Child Migrants must have had big paper rounds!!

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Thing is what else are the lying about?


That they are really Islamic State Amoeba People and 24 will soon become 48 then 96 etc in an exponential explosion to overthrow us and fly the black flag of Islam above Buckingham Palace before the year is out!?

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so lets get this straight he hadnt seen his son for 11 years because he came here to work????? i thought they were fleeing a tyrant dictator and seeking asylum??? so the son left his mother in mortal danger also??:loopy:

cant see the wood for the trees eh:roll::roll:


Did you understand what I said? :huh:

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All I can say is having looked at the pictures, and I say this with my most lefty hat on, that some of these people coming in are clearly adults.


The only way I can rationalise this is that they have bona fide supporting documentation and maybe meet some other criteria, e.g. are highly vulnerable or maybe ill in some way.


Seems very odd. That said we haven't seen photos of all of the arrivees only a few. It would be entirely wrong and damaging to assume that all of the arrivees are possibly adults.

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All I can say is having looked at the pictures, and I say this with my most lefty hat on, that some of these people coming in are clearly adults.


The only way I can rationalise this is that they have bona fide supporting documentation and maybe meet some other criteria, e.g. are highly vulnerable or maybe ill in some way.


Seems very odd. That said we haven't seen photos of all of the arrivees only a few. It would be entirely wrong and damaging to assume that all of the arrivees are possibly adults.



The reality is that if somebody shows up with no documentation and there are no means available to definitively determine their identity and age then one really has no moral viable option but to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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The reality is that if somebody shows up with no documentation and there are no means available to definitively determine their identity and age then one really has no moral viable option but to give them the benefit of the doubt.


This is where we need proper checks. Do you not think that this information will soon be passed to others seeking to enter the UK. Those who look young will just ditch all paperwork and claim to be under 18 if they receive preferential treatment.


There also needs to be extra checks made at a later date if further information becomes available. If Syria returns to normality at any time in the future, there could well be information available to the Uk government which could provide the immigration services with details of the actual age of some people who have entered the UK. If it becomes apparent that some people have lied in order to enter the UK. They should be deported.


We cannot be a soft touch, otherwise the UK public will lose confidence in the process and those who do enter the UK will be seen with more suspicion and this will fuel even more racism.

Edited by Berberis
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This is where we need proper checks. Do you not think that this information will soon be passed to others seeking to enter the UK. Those who look young will just ditch all paperwork and claim to be under 18 if they receive preferential treatment.


Apparently those without documentation and claiming not to know dates of birth are being given new dates of birth. I read somewhere of one 'boy' being given a new date of birth of January 1st 1999.


I did read it in the Mail though, so could be bobbins.

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