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Child Migrants must have had big paper rounds!!

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All I can say is having looked at the pictures, and I say this with my most lefty hat on, that some of these people coming in are clearly adults.


The only way I can rationalise this is that they have bona fide supporting documentation and maybe meet some other criteria, e.g. are highly vulnerable or maybe ill in some way.


Seems very odd. That said we haven't seen photos of all of the arrivees only a few. It would be entirely wrong and damaging to assume that all of the arrivees are possibly adults.


That is not true. All the people that have been admitted from Calais recently have been allowed because they are meant to be children - not because they meet some other criteria.


As you say, some are clearly adults. That is not too surprising as at has been well documented that people are coached in Calais to pretend they are children to get in, and the number of 'children' that have been found to be adults by both the Home Office (something like 65% in the last year) and other countries, like Norway, is very high.


You are also correct that only a small number of individuals seem to be have been photographed. The most recent lot all hid their faces under blankets, which could be cause for concern.


I don't doubt that a percentage of the people in Calais that we are admitted are genuinely children, and should therefore be reunited with family, but I think the obvious ease at which it is possible to lie your way in has highlighted some serious flaws with the admissions process.

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I am sure that out of the thousands wanting to get in to the UK there must be a few that actually look like children!


its a shame nobody has seen them yet:suspect:


---------- Post added 21-10-2016 at 12:27 ----------


The reality is that if somebody shows up with no documentation and there are no means available to definitively determine their identity and age then one really has no moral viable option but to give them the benefit of the doubt.


really?? benefit of the doubt? i will remember that next time i show up in another country:roll: the viable option is for them to go through the system properly which will show their false intentions or stay in France cos last time i heard it was fairly safe???


---------- Post added 21-10-2016 at 12:29 ----------


Whys it odd? of course we wont see them all, its the media, they want to create "debates" like this very one :roll:


what even the left wing media and news???? i would have thought the liberals and the leftie press would be falling over themselves to push through pictures of little boys and girls going through the border???

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really?? benefit of the doubt? i will remember that next time i show up in another country:roll: the viable option is for them to go through the system properly which will show their false intentions or stay in France cos last time i heard it was fairly safe???



Some of them will have a legal right on some ground or other (resident family here for example) to come to the UK.

Look I don't like being conned either, but I'd rather be guilty of that than mistreating needy children, and that's the choice at hand.


---------- Post added 21-10-2016 at 12:33 ----------


This is where we need proper checks. Do you not think that this information will soon be passed to others seeking to enter the UK. Those who look young will just ditch all paperwork and claim to be under 18 if they receive preferential treatment.


No such option exists.

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Some of them will have a legal right on some ground or other (resident family here for example) to come to the UK.

Look I don't like being conned either, but I'd rather be guilty of that than mistreating needy children, and that's the choice at hand.


Isn't that the reason that these people are being admitted tho? I may well be wrong but I thought we weren't taking children in Calais who don't have family members in the UK, so having a family member here is already the criteria.

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Some of them will have a legal right on some ground or other (resident family here for example) to come to the UK.

Look I don't like being conned either, but I'd rather be guilty of that than mistreating needy children, and that's the choice at hand.


Totally agree. It's what we do with them this side of the channel that concerns me. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are all given leave to stay even if some are proved to be adults who just chanced getting in.

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Isn't that the reason that these people are being admitted tho? I may well be wrong but I thought we weren't taking children in Calais who don't have family members in the UK, so having a family member here is already the criteria.


This is what I understand as well. Although once again, I think in many cases were taking peoples' word on the matter as there is an absence of paperwork.

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Whys it odd? of course we wont see them all, its the media, they want to create "debates" like this very one :roll:


You do realise that there is media on the left as well as the right don't you?


Notice how the BBC pixelated the faces? Notice how the BBC picks out the youngsters in the jungle for news stories? Notice how the BBC cameras pick out the handful of women on a boat that's full of men?


If/when there's any young kids brought across, don't worry, I'm sure the media will show them.

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The reality is that if somebody shows up with no documentation and there are no means available to definitively determine their identity and age then one really has no moral viable option but to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Well I hope when I go to the bank with no id I hope they give me the benefit of the doubt.

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